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I can't see the Mesh IP Tutorial for Aditi


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There's an outstanding problem with logging into the Aditi grid. This is caused by problems with Inventory, I understand. So, my Plan B was to use an alt with hardly any inventory to log in. That worked. Yay.

But... to upload mesh I have to do the Mesh IP Tutorial thingy again. But when I click in the link click here I just get a blank page. No error, no nothing, just a seasonally appropriate snowy white page. I'm using Safari v6.0.2 on a MacBook Pro and I got the same with Firefox v17.0.1.

Does any one else get this or is it just me?



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Blank for me when I had my alt try. This has been a long-term (maybe a month or so) issue with others reporting. One thing that "might" work since you can get into Aditi with your alt,  is to try and upload a mesh file when you are there. There USED to be a link that would come up on the uploader telling you that you had to take the test and getting you there. Not sure if that is working still or not, but a possibility.

BTW it isn't "just" an inventory thing as I can get over fine with 28,000 items and I have friends with maybe 6,000 inventory that cannot get to Aditi (or can sometimes and other times not). So yes, there are issues.

They also seem to have changed the way SIZING works overnight. Files that I have been uploading all week at .5 are now "correct" at no scaling --  1 -- with no resizing. So anyone reading this, watch your sizes. This seems to go across to Agni grid or perhaps they are just getting Aditi lined up with Agni as I hadn't uploaded anything to Agni in a week or so.


Good luck. You might chat up support if you are premium. I think they DO know there are issues though. It has been awhile.


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Thanks for the additional info. Yes, it's the link on the Upload Model dialog where I have this issue, although even if I go to secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com and try to navigate from there, I get the same blank page. I'll raise this with support. Thanks for your help.


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They have been working on the back end of things because of the bugs they had of residents losing items after relog . The disks were getting full and running out of storage space. So they have been working on things. I think ever since they started working on it, they disabled that page until they get it worked out... Or they totally borked it. But it has been an issue since then. I can imagine how large the usage became after mesh was released


But you might try your browser settings. If using IE9 and up, try hitting F12 and down at the bottom change it to compatibility mode browsing...

Not guaranteeing that works. But maybe

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There is a recent glitch in some browsers that causes the page to fail to render. It is there and working, but the browser just fails to render it. Try forcing a page reload. Try opening a second page in a new tab. Switch between the two. You may be able to get the page to render.

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Are there any other working links for this IP tutorial so I can load mesh into the Aditi grid?


As I've tried the links being suggested in these forums, it opened up once glitched out and now refuses to let me answer the questions again? It just keeps coming up blank, I can typically get to the 'Let's get started' page more often than not, but that's it everything else goes blank.


Tried using Mozilla and Internet Explorer for this and got the same results.

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