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Which games can I gain more Lindens with?


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Really not wishing to burst your bubble, but any money you earn in LL while playing any of these games probably won't offset the costs of wear and tear to your computer for logging into Second Life.

There may be other skills games in Second Life, but to answer your question about which one would be best for you to attain your goal, that really depends on your own abilities with skills games.


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You are looking for a video game style game within SL. Unless you join an RP you will have to choose your own path. SL is NOT a game. it is a virtual world. there is no long term goal, no limits other than your imaginations,  the law (and your skill sets) to what you can do here.

The main issue is SL promotes with ads like "Become a vampire" and doesn't explain that it is a roleplay within a larger virtual world where you can do and be anything.

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Fusionbolt2000 wrote:

Well, I'm looking for something adventure like, something about missions and a plot ^^

There is no game that let you earn much money and even less a game that has missions and a real plot at the same time. They only place in SL where you can find somekind of plot is within the many roleplay groups, but thats more something to spend money for instead of earning it.

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If I really sit down for the fish hunt I can make 500L a day while reading online blogs and the likes on the side.

Haven't found anything else that offers so much Linden for just a click every now and then o.O

Just make sure to open the multipliers page and go for x2, x3 and higher lands, that will offset the worm cost by far.

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Estelle Pienaar wrote:

You are aware that 500Ls has the value of 2 Dollars? You probably spend more money for energy costs (as someone mentioned before).

You are aware of what I posted? That I am online *anyway* reading forums, reading stories and the likes? I am currently fishing while typing this, only stopping my typing to click on my fishing rod ever 30 seconds or so.

Those 500L are gained with minimal effort while being able to do other things, heck I got Prometheus for Christmas, I'll watch that on the side while making Linden.

I would only count energy costs against the linden if fishing would be the solemn reason my computer is on for. Which it is not, quite the contrary, my computer would be on without fishing, yet fishing enables me to get roughly 3500L a week which more than covers my parcel rent two times over without me needing to do more than a click every now and then.

It definitely beats needing to run around trying to find coins and gems. I am simply sitting near this buoy, clicking the rod every 30 seconds, while typing here, and then watching my movie. Idk how you can make money much more easily with games in SL.

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The games you can gain the most Lindens with are the following...each one is a unique game in and unto itself.  While the rules are similar and  you can even juggle and/or swap our balances between them,  some will charge you a penalty for playing.




American Express

Pay Pal

Seriously, you want Linden's buy them.  Why waste your SL time trying to make $2.00 a day, when there is so much more to do and explore. 


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Once you get a few lindens, what will you do with them? - Buy stuff probably?

If you want virtual clothing & stuff, I think Hunts are fun. You can explore shops & other cool places, make friends, and pick up cool freebies along the way. Learning which hunts have the kinds of things you like is part of the SL "game".

You determine your own goals in SL, and the better you get at meeting them, the higher you advance in "rank".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have played all the games mentioned below and also hosted them at my Shop for 6 months.

Will post an article in the next couple of days with details

Just remember do not Invest before asking questions on the offical groups for these games

SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fermi/107/153/25
SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Litas/25/182/22
SLURL:  http://slurl.com/secondlife/Business%20Park/104/151/22
Magic Crystals
SLURL: http://thesecondfarm.com/

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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel like all the games are a waste of time, even if you try to play them you only get like .35 lindens per whatever you do, especially in fish hunt and thats less than 1 linden. I'm a digital artist and i get paid every now and then about 2500L for a 160x220px image piece. And fpr full about 500x500px or more about 5000-6000L . Which is what i use to pay my land fee's off. I also might do offers and get about 500L. But I'm a shopaholic so this wasn't enough for me so i decided to just buy lindens. its not that much all.


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Yeah I've tried these games personally. Wellt he gold hunt anyway. I've also collected money from money trees when Iw as a noob and so on. Nothing is worth the time it takes to collect that money and fight with others for the resource (IE coins). If time is money then this would be a waste of cash. It's literally more sensible just to buy the lindens every once in a while and just be frugal with them.

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