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So Linden Lab Wants Us All To Be Naked?

Perrie Juran

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Ahhhh ok.  I really have to start getting on the forums earlier in the day.  I miss all the good stuff!

And thanks for the comments on my so beloved cat... well after her.. i dont think i will get any other one... im badly faithfull and as i use to say... she 's the one....:smileyhappy:


ETA : ah and i was about to forget to ask... will you accept to be part of the judges for Phil naked audition ? :smileylol:

Totally understand re: your precious cat.  Morris had been with me through all the ups and downs of my adult life and I didn't plan on getting another cat but I couldn't resist pulling up our local Humane Society online and saw a 3-year old Calico that was rescued from Hurricane Katrina...and the rest is history.   Kali has now been the Mistress of my home for the last 7 years.

Judge???? *Perks*

well as i said in another thread to Phil, i was meaning Jury and not judge... i apologize for my bad english lol...

and well, for Kali, sometimes the best meets are the one you didnt planed and even didnt expected.. this sounds like a nice story :smileywink: And pets are so loyal.... Spmetimes i really think that we humans should take more example on them...

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Did you see the Purple Unicorn? :matte-motes-tongue:


sadly noooo ! it ran away to much fastly for i could see anything hehhehehehe...

well, it remind me the old time where we had this crazy spanish speaker coming and flooding the forum with everytime the same OP lol... threads were vanishing so fast at the end lol... they were more lightnings than threads lol....

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Solar Legion wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

It's an odd one. First, I don't believe than any moderator would read through all those pages of posts and delete any that s/he saw fit to delete. My impression is that mods here only deal with posts that have been reported. Imo, someone has reported the posts that were deleted. It might have been Perrie (the OP) or it might have been anyone else.

I didn't see any heat or insults or anything like that in the thread. One person said that another person had been rude (which I disagreed with) but even that little bit of alleged rudeness was incredibly mild, if it was rude at all. There were some strong views, yes, but no heat that I detected.

That's just it Phil - the mods here have such a low tolerance for rudeness/heat that they'll let nothing beyond the equivalent of chilled milk remain if a report is sent in.


just dont chat about where milk comes from ok and we all be fine (:


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

well as i said in another thread to Phil, i was meaning Jury and not judge... 

i am happy to be the judge if you not got one. am always happy to do that

like as the judge i can overrule any jury. bc they  not make good decisions sometimes. well not ones i agree with anyways 

jejejeje (:


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16 wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

well as i said in another thread to Phil, i was meaning Jury and not judge... 

i am happy to be the judge if you not got one. am always happy to do that

like as the judge i can overrule any jury. bc they  not make good decisions sometimes. well not ones i agree with anyways 

jejejeje (:


ok 16 You are hired as jury (or judge or whatever you want lol) !


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

16 wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

well as i said in another thread to Phil, i was meaning Jury and not judge... 

i am happy to be the judge if you not got one. am always happy to do that

like as the judge i can overrule any jury. bc they  not make good decisions sometimes. well not ones i agree with anyways 

jejejeje (:


ok 16 You are hired as jury (or judge or whatever you want lol) !


Heeeyyyyy!!!!!  I thought I was the judge! 

*Mutters darkly and goes off to pout*

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Phil Deakins wrote:

If 16 is going to be the judge, I want to know exactly what about me she will be judging :smileysurprised:

actually no. i not be judging you or anyone one else who enters

that for the jury to do

as the judge tho i will consider their verdict. and if i find that is unfair. (unfair meaning inconsistent with previous decisions of my Court)  then i will set their verdict aside. and pick another verdict

i realize that this can sound quite complicated to many people and make you go wut wurt. but thats ok bc not everyone have clear understanding or experience of my Court

my Court is precedent-based you see. so i have to ensure that any verdict is consistent with what happened before. at least in the allocation of goodies. so any verdict has to consistent with every other decision i already made. asa point of law. otherwise will be lots of unhappy prisoners people

and bc in my very first case i ever judged i verdicted my friend to get the winning goodies then i have to be consistent with that ever more after. as a point of law. like i said already



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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

16 wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

well as i said in another thread to Phil, i was meaning Jury and not judge... 

i am happy to be the judge if you not got one. am always happy to do that

like as the judge i can overrule any jury. bc they  not make good decisions sometimes. well not ones i agree with anyways 

jejejeje (:


ok 16 You are hired as jury (or judge or whatever you want lol) !


Heeeyyyyy!!!!!  I thought I was the judge! 

*Mutters darkly and goes off to pout*

you can be a judge as well (:

we go for a full bench


pouting is a good attribute in a judge. it makes the lawyers and criminals all defensive. they think you dont like them. so they try grease you up and be nice and even try bribe you. is quite good when they do that bc then they know that you know they did try bribe you. so you can chuck them in jail anytime you want after that. so then they have to be even more nice to you

is pretty good to get a job as a judge. can go a long way on a good pout i find (:



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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

ahahhahahha yes you are the first one hired for the job lol !

we will be 3 ! thats why candidates for the audition will have to prepare themselves really seriously lol. 

*Smiles brightly*

Unfortunately the problem with all of this is that Linden Lab thinks they are God.

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Perrie Juran wrote:


Unfortunately the problem with all of this is that Linden Lab thinks they are God.

What, do you mean that they aren't really? Only thinking to be? :smileysurprised:



       Sad.gif   ... my long held belief was crushed in an instant...




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Coby Foden wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


Unfortunately the problem with all of this is that Linden Lab thinks they are God.

What, do you mean that they aren't really? Only thinking to be? :smileysurprised:



... my long held belief was crushed in an instant...




And the Lindens said to the man and the woman, who told you that you were naked.......?

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


Unfortunately the problem with all of this is that Linden Lab thinks they are God.

What, do you mean that they aren't really? Only thinking to be? :smileysurprised:



... my long held belief was crushed in an instant...




And the Lindens said to the man and the woman, who told you that you were naked.......?

and the man and the woman reply: we not naked. look we go painted on undies. and the man said unto Linden: yeah! wheres my shiny codpiece. and the woman said unto Linden as well: wheres my purple top. that other lady got one. that Ruth lady. how come i havent got one

and Linden said ffs i am leaving. and the woman turn to man and go: hehe




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16 wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

16 wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

well as i said in another thread to Phil, i was meaning Jury and not judge... 

i am happy to be the judge if you not got one. am always happy to do that

like as the judge i can overrule any jury. bc they  not make good decisions sometimes. well not ones i agree with anyways 

jejejeje (:


ok 16 You are hired as jury (or judge or whatever you want lol) !


Heeeyyyyy!!!!!  I thought I was the judge! 

*Mutters darkly and goes off to pout*

you can be a judge as well (:

we go for a full bench


pouting is a good attribute in a judge. it makes the lawyers and criminals all defensive. they think you dont like them. so they try grease you up and be nice and even try bribe you. is quite good when they do that bc then they know that you know they did try bribe you. so you can chuck them in jail anytime you want after that. so then they have to be even more nice to you

is pretty good to get a job as a judge. can go a long way on a good pout i find (:



We're going to be an interesting group of judges for sure. *Grins*

"can go a long way on a good pout i find."

I may put that on my profile or as my sig. ;)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:


We're going to be an interesting group of judges for sure. *Grins*

"can go a long way on a good pout i find."

I may put that on my profile or as my sig.

ok but now for the audition ... who wants to apply ? Phil already applied but it wont be a fair audition if hes the only one to be judged. 

Anyone with solidarity with Phil ? 

Czari, 16, and I promise that we will do the job really fairly. :smileywink: . Better pp know already that this jury wont be a corrupted one.

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  • 11 months later...

I haven't read each and every post but you are wrong when you say LL want's you naked and I have proof.  When we had an issue with the sim last year one of the techs from LL showed up as a skelton so they don't want you naked unless you can lose the skin, muscles and whatever else you have in there too!  I make no bones about this at all.

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Cloths arn't the onlything that causes lag. There are other issues in play. One such problem are sim owners that build high lag high prim high scripted sims. Also the number of people in a sim can also effect thi ngs. As for cloths causing lag that is a small part of it even though it is less laggy sailing in a bikini then full cloths.

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Perrie Juran wrote:


So now Linden Lab has introduced a new standard of Measure,
  I had  never really looked at this till a recent comment prompted me to and was amazed by what I found.

Just  as in days of old, Linden Lab has chosen to color code the numbers, as your cost goes up, the colors change till until you are, gasp, IN THE RED ZONE!

. . .

So I thought to myself, lets try a nude beach.  And while the numbers decreased dramatically, most were still in the RED.

So soliciting the help of a friend I started looking at what was causing these high numbers.  Some of the most common and biggest culprits were Prim Shoes.  Shoes from some of the top designers were adding on average 40,000 and even more points.  Pieces of Jewelry would add 10,000 to 20,000 points.  Prim feet would add 30,000 to 40,000 points, hence the high numbers at the nude beach.  You can do your own tests to see what other things do.

So what is my point to all of this?

Linden Lab needs to get "real" about the issue of Avatar Render Weight.  Most of us want to look good in SL and the fact of the matter is you can not do it with out going into what Linden Lab has designated as THE RED ZONE.

I am SERIOUSLY LATE to this party (unless I posted a year ago).

But it looks like it was necro'd, and I think I have an idea of what you were seeing that I might not have had before...


Torus prims are VERY costly in graphics rendering. They are also very common in 3 places:

pre-mesh hair. pre-mesh shoes, pre-mesh jewelry.

I will get to the offenses of mesh in a moment, since I know you dislike mesh and this is one area we might agree in part... but lets cover these first.

People used to use toruses to achieve many complex shapes. I once took a whole class on doing it at NCI. We didn't know better - LLs didn't tell us. But we couldn't do better - there was no other solution save for sculpts... which are even worse offenders.

And of course... old shoes are often a combo of torus and sculpt... Flexi-toruses make up a lot of hair, laces, and so on.


First on the good for mesh: it can wipe out the need for a torus for any 'fixed item' (non flexi, non free-moving). That leaves you often just needing a cone or flat panel, no need for a torus.

So in theory - the best hair now would be a mesh base, and flexi cones or flat panels for the strands you wish to have waving about. No torus.


Render Weight is real - these older technologies DO lag people. Those Arc shamers of days gone by - they were partly right. The Arc measure was flawed, but the things people wore WERE causes of client-side lag as they taxed graphics cards.

And you can mostly blame, the torus. Followed by sculpties.


Followed by bad mesh.

And here we get to the part where anti-mesh people have a partial point. Just not the one they usually make.

Mesh doesn't restrict how many polygons people can load into what they upload. Load in thousands of vertices and polygons, and you pay more to upload it... it has higher land impact... but LLs won't say "no, that's too much" that I know of (my guess is there has to be some point where they will, but that point is too high).

- So there is a LOT of mesh right now using more polygons and vertices than it needs.

Bad 3D modellers - people who haven't had training in making models for real time graphics instead of for still art and movie animation - are even advertising the fact that they used more polygons than needed...


And that is amping up client side lag, as bad as toruses used to / still do...

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Eduard Hendrassen wrote:

I haven't read each and every post but you are wrong when you say LL want's you naked and I have proof.  When we had an issue with the sim last year one of the techs from LL showed up as a skelton so they don't want you naked unless you can lose the skin, muscles and whatever else you have in there too!  I make no bones about this at all.

Aye, tis true.

The Late.jpg

The Late Oskar Linden aka Skinless Linden :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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