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Can't log into Aditi


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I'd like to upload a mesh object but I can't log in to the test grid Aditi. it just says "Logging in..." but never does. Does SL support users on the test servers or do we just wait until it's fixed? The SL Status page doesn't mention any problem with Aditi. I also checked http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Aditi_Notes but I can't see anything relating to this. I saw a thread about someone having the same problem yesterday but I can't seem to find that thread now. 

Thank you for any help.

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I've been unable to get in for a little over a day now. It has been hit or miss for the last couple weeks. No solution here, but at least you know it is not just you.
Some links of interest:



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I usually log into Sandbox Cordova. That has been working and working this morning also. There "are" some issues with logging in that seem to be avatar specific. Have no idea about that but if you still can't get in using Sandbox Cordova then that may be your problem. Be sure that you have taken the mesh upload test FOR ADITI if you are going there to upload mesh. Otherwise getting in will not be helpfull as you won't be able to upload.

There are some problems with links to the special ADITI mesh test (conversations with folks trying to get in at the sandbox). Links go nowhere. One plan might be to come over and try and upload. Then, if you aren't verified for ADITI grid (different than Agni grid so passing the test there won't help) you sometimes (keep your fingers crossed) get a link right on the uploader that sends you to the page. I think that is how I got to the test page but it has been awhile.


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Thanks, the Nalates blog helped in that it identified the problem as being related to the size of an avi's inventory. I used an alt and could get to Morris on Aditi. Which is an improvement. Although I have to take the mesh test thingy again for the alt.

I could also get to Natoma using the alt but strangely not Cordova or Goguen.

Thanks to all for your help guys.


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Jaxan wrote:

I'd like to upload a mesh object but I can't log in to the test grid Aditi. it just says "Logging in..." but never does. Does SL support users on the test servers or do we just wait until it's fixed? The SL Status page doesn't mention any problem with Aditi. I also checked
but I can't see anything relating to this. I saw a thread about someone having the same problem yesterday but I can't seem to find that thread now. 

Thank you for any help.

This may have been the thread you were looking for yesterday...


A bunch of us found we were unable to log in to Aditi on our main accounts to attend a the Server Beta User Group session, and it turned out it was something to do with some full disks on the Aditi servers.  A little more about this can be found within the user group transcripts (which is where Nalates has got her blog info from).


Solutions are needed, or at least an update, so I urge if you are still having problems with this on Monday, and would prefer to use your main large-inventoried main avatar than an alt on Aditi, seek out Maestro Linden inworld.

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This happened to me a month ago, and then last night.  The only way I could log into adati was to change my password.  But, while this let me log in, it totally borked my avatar. Lots of strange inventory and outfit issues, but the main thing is, I couldn't rez mesh, and would not interact with the physics of mesh rezzed by others.  Over the next 3 weeks or so, I changed password every day or two, and each time got a borked avatar on adati.  Then finally last week, I hit the jackpot:  a normal avatar, I could rez mesh, all was right with the world.

 But then, yesterday...   "Logging in....".  After several attempts yesteday evening, I threw in the towel, and changed passwords.  Today I can log in to adati, but my avatar is borked and useless.

Oh well, at least my alt is hanging in there.



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Well, I changed passwords once more, and lo and behold, I got a fully functional avatar on the very first try.  Not only that, but the avatar came endowed with $L5000 more than is in my main grid account.  

Recently, as I have switched passwords for me and my alts, they set up on adati exactly the main grid $L balance.  Getting "free lindens" when you reset the adati account by changing passwords is a return to the old normal behavior.


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