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Sorry I do not speak English very well
I'm working on Blender 262 and I have a huge problem I can not solve I really need help I do not know what to do!.
Here the concern and texture mesh there are small white triangles in World. I did from MD2 and I sometimes use AVASTAR.

I will explain the steps that I did:
1 In Edit mode: recalculate normals and smooth
2 0.0010 Solidfy and I only checked Fill rim
3 Ctrl P my mesh object and armarture
4 Copy bone weihgts

The trouble apparently just the uv map or maybe a problem of normal!
How do I do this please?!
Thank you in advance


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Please tell us the number of triangles in Blender and the number of triangles it says in the uploader.

The reason I ask is that there is a bug with more than 21844 triangles that causes the hidden generation of a new material for the triangles after that number is reached. It will go on generating up to eight total materials, reached at 174752 riangles, after which further triangles will simply disappear (they are assigned to new materials that get culled before upload. The sequence of triangles is unpredictable, so that the ones with the new  material appear random. If that is the problem, you should be able to overcome it by checking "Select face" in the edit dialog, selecting one of the white triangles and applying your texture.

I would have referred to the jira about this bug, but there is no point now as most people can't see it.

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Your problem is solidify,inner and outer part of your model colide when you rigged them and poke thru eacother.remove inner side and leave just edges to mimic thickness of material.Also when you bake shaddowmap on your model inner and outer part share space on UV,you get double bake wich equals bad AO!One more reason to remove inner part

Only when you need inner part is on open type jackets and short skirts that you can see inside of it and ewen than only on part you can see.

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I used the SL veiwer . Blender 2.62, i didn't change anything  (left it as all triangles ) just selected the top in object mode File > Export> Collade.dae

and checked the "Export only selected"  in the export panel before hitting Export collada button .


In th SL mesh Uploader panel i left everything as default .


Have a look at this file below , This is what Min means about deleting all the inside faces of your top that will never be seen and only leaving a few close to the openings that may be seen ..

He also said to seperate the UV maps into 4 parts , Front , Back , Front Inside and Back Inside

I have given the Front a red colour material , the Back a blue colour, the Inside Front a green material and the Inside Back a yellow colour.

The rest of the faces on the inside i have coloured Black, select these by the material and delete (x for delete menu and choose Faces )

Then select by Material colour each part and Unwrap


Just a note , its best to start from scratch when making mesh clothes, That way you can have nice edge loops to work with :)


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If you like simple have a look at layer 3 on this .blend file .




I have reworked your mesh into quads using retopology,(mirror not applied ) this is the first time I have tried doing this so for an explanation  google    Blender Retopology .  You will find plenty of video tutos and you may find it usefull in future work. :)



Essai Top Retop.PNG

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 If its " always the  big problem "  as you say then you are probably trying to run before you  have learnt to walk  :)

If that is the case then you  should go back to basics , find a beginners tutorial series and follow that .

Mesh clothes is a differcult subject to start with ( to do right anyways ). Not only do you  have the mesh to worry about but also the rigging and texturing all 3 more differcult to do for clothes than if you were doing for a static mesh .

Start simple , something basic , a table and chairs  for example  and get them textured correctly . Then a very simple house,again textured and you will find urself learning about SL mesh Physics.

If you continue the way you are now you will be  getting very frustrated .

Its not a coicidence that the monkey is at the bottom of the  Add > Mesh menu in Blender,  pas a pas on atrappe la singe  :)



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