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Accounts placed on administrative hold


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aicat wrote:

 Whilst reading previous topics created by users on the forums who have experienced this, or something similar happening to their accounts. It seems to be very easy for accounts to be hacked into, sent lindens from other sources, or even for sl users to be framed for actions they have not committed. It's quite shocking and i hope to think i have met nothing but genuine people so far on sl. 


We all see the above claims being made all the time and when ever we dig into it here we generally find that this is not as true as the 'supposed injured' make it out to be.

As Pussycat replied above:

Perrie Juran wrote:

If a ban happenned there was another TOS violation by whoever was using the account at the time.

Pussycat wrote:

That's the story of a number of bans it seems.

A does violation B, does not want to admit they were caught, so claims they were banned for acceptable conduct C.

- Not all bans, maybe not even most. But rather often 'B' emerges somewhere later in the tale.

Here is a current example right here in the Forum.  On November 27, a poster started  Account Hacked/Compromised, saying she'd been hacked.

On November 30, in a reply in my thread,  Re: Phishing Scheme: Dont Click The Link, this same poster wrote,  "although I do remember one link that was sent to me on my friend list and I did sign in before checking the link all it takes is one little mistake though and goodbye account." (the OP's bolding).  Technically speaking, that is NOT getting hacked.  That is user error.

I am not saying hacking never happened.  In the early days of SL as I understand it, things were not always secure as they are now.  But after 5 plus years here, I am not so ready to buy claims of "innocence."

I do understand that all of this has nothing to do with your particular situation.  We are hoping this gets resolved quickly for you so you can continue to enjoy your Second Life.  I know how much I'd hate it if it happened to me.


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Perrie great, Thanks for that example. I've read other examples too on where it Sometimes it can be to a users own fault. 
You do have to be carefull to browse securely, and in the midst of clicking & shopping on the marketplace. Whilst logging back onto your account to check deliveries. etc etc. But then as with all websites & not only sl there can be security risks.

I did not have much to report back on the issue i'm having, & in the past few days. As i had not recieved much response or communictaion on the side of linden labs support team. And only recieved another e-mail today after a many number of days. Which asked me to refer to another case number. And a case number which is different to the case created by me initially, which was handling my issue. And  where i have been submitting all questions and replies. However after logging into my account which is still on hold. (and as instructed to do so in the e-mail i recieved) So as i could respond to this new said case number created. 

I was met with a ''failed to load case'' error message. Now i don't know why they would issue me with a void case number? But have re-opened the case i had created & was submitting responses to. (as they took it upon themselves to close that case, when issuing me with the void one) And have left a comment asking the very same thing, about why i've been given a case number which i can not access. Yet with the instructions to access it and leave a comment. At this stage I feel that beyond playing the waiting game. there also seem to be very poor customer support involved here as well.

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Thank you very much, i will be calling to speak with someone instead. A previous poster did refer me to do the same, but when i re-checked this topic to get the details again. I could no longer locate the page amoungst the responses. Hopefully i will be met with better help through calling to speak with someone, and at a quicker rate then i have been dealt. And i'll be sure to continue to update on what happens. 

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Updating on the progress of my account release. And after being sent the void case Number, which i mentioned in an earlier posting. The reason that case number never worked when logging into my account (And as directed to do so in the e-mail i received). Is because it was sent as an update to my Boyfriends case, and so his case Number. Now i don't know why they would e-mail me, & direct me to leave a comment on another separate case number & using my account details.

When they of all people, should know that I (or even anyone for that matter) is unable to access another case number which is not directly their own. I was quite fed up at this point and annoyed. So wasted no time in mentioning that the e-mailed request made no sense, and was not possible. Quoting along with the response the error message i receive. After responding i was sent another e-mail which basically stated that they understood my frustration. But which i highly doubt at this point. As they are still not doing anything to lesson that frustration they speak of.

Shortly after this e-mail however, I was then sent yet another further e-mail asking that i submit photo identification of some kind. And to the same case number which i had already explained i could not access. (And In two separate responses back to whomever it is who is handling my case.) None the less i have been able to respond to the request by creating a new case. And quoting my original case number. as well as the case number of my boyfriends case, which they sent to me. And then also by having my boyfriend log ingot his account.

And Me quoting the e-mail i was sent with the directions to reply to his case number. And mentioning my own account name as well as starting the response off by identifying myself. I sent them three clear pictures of my passport identification In both responses. But since submitting this personal information about two to three days ago now. I still have yet to get a response back from anyone. Beyond frustrating, or time consuming. I'm utterly disgusted by the service i'm receiving. Given that i have been completely co-operative, and have tried my best on my side to give any and all helpful information. Explaining the possible reasons for the hold (As i still do not know the reasons for) And also now handing over my personal RL identification. The linden labs team is turning out to be quite a joke in my eyes, and have been far from helpful in any sense.

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Thank you so much for keeping us up to date with this issue, aicat. :)  GAH!  What a major hassle!  I'd be beating my head against a brick wall by now...geez!

And LL wonders why they have a problem with user retention.

I really hope someone crawls out from under their rock and solves this for you, especially as patient and co-operative as you have been.

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Not at all, You're all very welcome. I know many others have had the same problem. Having tried to find answers myself on the forum before posting about my own issue. But noticed that not many update further after asking for answers, & to tell of how things worked out for them.

So not really leaving anyone after them experiencing the same. The knowledge to help them with their own issue. And hopefully even a way to resolve any problems should they happen upon them in future.

And how true, yet surely Linden labs should also be more attentive to their customers and their needs as well. Although i understand that many use SL, if they wish to expand and coax in more & new users of SL. They first need to work on being more quick and resourceful when dealing with any issues and complaints. If they are overwhelmed by the number of support cases now, (& should they be) how will they fair with addition SL users.

Otherwise it is also off putting, and does give the example that Linden Labs are only happy to take your money. But not happy to deal with any issues you may experience using the SL Grid.

And Thank you also Czari, honestly i'm besides myself. And am not sure what to do if not wait it out for a response. As i've already submitted a question asking about the progress since submitting my personal details. So don't want to come off as bothersome, and even though this whole matter is rather bothersome to me. I just think there should be some kind of correspondence, to update a user on the progress of their case. & even especially once a person has submitted RL vital and personal details. 

Often its talked about keeping your personal details secure. And apparently Linden labs places importance on keeping all private details secure. So they could at least let a person giving those personal details. Know, that they have been received and are in the process of being looked at. Not just unnecessarily prolonging the issue at hand, and not letting the person with the account involved, know the progress of their case. Personally i find that to be both rude and very shoddy service. 

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I'm updating once again to say a big Thank you, to those who made helpful suggestions on the issue with both mine and my boyfriends accounts. I'm happy to say that i am now able to log back into my account again. After both my boyfriend and I submitted personal Id relating to our account details, and after i was advised to change my password, In an e-mail i received two to three days ago.

It was also hinted at in the e-mail i received, that either mine, or my boyfriends account. May well likely have been compromised. Or that someone had tried to access our accounts in some way. And so the reason why both accounts were placed on hold. Which in that case, The only thing i can think to be the culprit. Would be the third party website i was advised to use to purchase lindens from, & by a person i was renting my parcel of land from. & of Which i've also been lucky enough to get back.

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aicat wrote:

I'm updating once again to say a big Thank you, to those who made helpful suggestions on the issue with both mine and my boyfriends accounts. I'm happy to say that i am now able to log back into my account again. After both my boyfriend and I submitted personal Id relating to our account details, and after i was advised to change my password, In an e-mail i received two to three days ago.

It was also hinted at in the e-mail i received, that either mine, or my boyfriends account. May well likely have been compromised. Or that someone had tried to access our accounts in some way. And so the reason why both accounts were placed on hold. Which in that case, The only thing i can think to be the culprit. Would be the third party website i was advised to use to purchase lindens from, & by a person i was renting my parcel of land from. & of Which i've also been lucky enough to get back.

Very happy to hear that this is all resolved now.  We know it had to be a harrowing experience.

Thank you for letting us know.  :)

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