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Yesterday (23rd Nov) I logged in to find MOST of my inventory missing!!!!

Sashah Funizza

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I'm feeling very frustrated mainly because there is no clear guidelines anywhere on who to talk to about this. I can't report it as Abuse as I don't know who the offender is.... I logged it as a bug, but will I ever get any answer back? In the last few months i did have to report someone as I'd received an item saying "wear this to win up to 1KLindens" and without realising what would happen, I stupidly wore it and lost most of mine!!! I did report this but gues what? I heard NOTHING back!!! When is someone going to do something about this??? What has happened to all my inventory that I paid alot of my own personal money for??!! When will I find a Linden who will actually TALK to me?!!!! 

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Hi Sashah!  I'm sorry to hear about your problems, and will try to help.

First, though, my name is "Lindal", not "Linden"...I'm just a resident like you.  ALL the helpers on this forum are residents too.  There are no Lindens here and they don't read these forums.  Sad to say, about the only way to talk to an actual Linden is to file a Support Case.

This is different from filing an Abuse Report.  (By the way, you will NEVER get a report from LL on the outcome of an Abuse Report.  The only thing you will ever receive is the confirmation email from "Indra Abuse" acknowledging receipt.)

It's also different from filing a bug report, although you should do that too, when you encounter dodgy software behavior.

You file a Support Case by going to the Help menu at the top of this page.  Go down the Help page to "Submit a Support Case" and then follow the instructions.  NOTE:  Inventory loss is a technical issue, and a basic free membership does not provide this level of support.  If you are not a Premium member, it may be worthwhile to sign up for a one month membership in order to get a higher level of support.

But before you do that, it's a good idea to try to get the missing items back yourself.  Here is what to ttry:

1.  Go to your Preferences tab, Network and Cache tab, and click the Clear Cache button.  Tell the confirmation window OK, then hit OK to close the Preferences window.  Log out of Second Life.

2.  Log back in, using an empty region such as Heckendorf, Smith, or Pooley as your log in location. 

3.  WAIT for your inventory to load.  You can speed the process by typing something -- anything -- into the inventory search window.  Type something new when things seem to be slowing down.

3a.  If this does not work, you may want to try it again...but this time, when you log off, also turn off your computer and internet modem/router.  Wait a minute, then turn everything back on, reboot your system, and log in at the empty region again.

4.  Your inventory should be recovered.  If it is not, repeat the above steps, but ALSO uninstall your viewer and do a complete "clean reinstall".  Here are instructions for that.  They are written for the Firestorm viewer but will work with any SL viewer  http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall

If this still does not work...try it a third time.  If it STILL has not found your missing inventory, it's time to bite the bullet and file a Support Case.

NOTE:  If you have more than one viewer installed, make sure they are using separate locations for their cache files.  Sharing a cache between viewers can lead to cache corruption.

FURTHER NOTE:  About that $L-stealing device.  There is a script function that allows an object to have access to your account.  This is a useful function, because it enables things like product vendors and rental boxes to give refunds to purchasers.  However, it is also used by various con artists and scammers.  It's important to know that these objects CAN NOT steal your money unless you do two things:  1) rez them (or in your case, wear them), and 2) when rezzed, the object will send you a notice, saying "<Object> owned by <your name> has requested permission to take Linden Dollars from you.  Grant/Deny?"  You should always pay attention to notices!  If you just blithely click "Grant", you have given the object permission to drain your account.


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