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The best sim in SL.

Porky Gorky

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A friend of mine in SL has commissioned me to build her a custom sim, starting work the middle of next month. She is one of SL's more successful land barons and wants the sim to be purely non profit,  simply an attraction for her many tenants and the rest of SL to enjoy. The best and worst bit of this is that I have carte blanche to build whatever I want as long it is lag efficient and the best sim in SL. Yes, that is my brief, to build the best sim in SL. That's it! No pressure!

I've built over a hundred custom sims in SL most of them residential and commercial, but a few of them were attractions or themed sims. However there has always been a brief to guide me. This time I am going to have a whole blank sim to fill with zero direction from the owner.

I can build anything and have access to a top scripter and animator. So we have the skills and know how, the only question remaining is what the hell should we build?

If anyone has any ideas for sims then I am all ears. What have you always wanted to see or visit in SL? I need a really good concept so we can create something special that will hopefully be of interest to you and the rest of SL.

Thanks in advance

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Haha that is quoted for truth. Even my scripter is not that good.

I did consider doing a replica of the Olympic Park but based on the size of it I would not be able to do it justice in 1 region.

I suppose I could build my teams football ground. I am a Portsmouth FC supporter so all I would need is a small shed and a couple of deck chairs.

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Any chance you could do something at the quarter-sim level?

I ask because different folks have different likes and dislikes.  To me the "best" sim in SL would have something for as many folks as possible. 

My only other suggestion would be to add one more member to your team--I'm not really sure how to title them, but they would be some sort of world builder--a person who imagines a new world.  The sort of thing that certain fiction writers have to do when they plot out their story line.  

Does that make any sense to anyone but me?

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I may not be of much help, but I'll tell you the things I like. Most are taken from sims that, sadly, did not withstand the test of time.

First and foremost, I love scenic. I love beautiful sims that replicate nature, especially specific places. Even if slightly fictional. I do love sims that are overly finctional too, don't get me wrong, but nature... man, that can just awe me for hours and I think it leaves a lot more room for general population to enjoy. I cannot tell you how much time hubby and I have spent visiting various sims just because they were so, almost majectic, in their creation. Along this line, I also love simplistic. If you overdo it, you just blind me with too much when I land. I get overwhelmed. I may even get so overwhelmed I get bored. Then I leave, and you've really accomplished nothing. That doesn't mean the builder was bad, or the build was for that matter. Sometimes, too much too soon, upon landing, kills a sim. So, please remember that. Not everyone has the same type of system or even viewer running. It's important, if this is intended as public, to remember the public part, lol.

One of my most fav sims ever in sl was the original Africa sim(s). Now replaced(I believe, I cannot find the original anywhere) by something, I hate to say it and sound rude, but...nothing even remotely similar, to the point that I was actually upset to see it :(. I absolutely LOVED those sims(that sim?), and I can't even tell you how much we donated to them because we(and by we I mean myself, and many friends) were always there. They had the most amazing hot hair balloon ride. Not because the ride itself was different, lots of places have that same tour product(even the new africa one does), but because of how the sims were laid out and how the tour was actually presented to you. It was just cool, as a group, as an individual and oh so romantic as a couple. The animals...omg, awesome doesn't begin to describe. Not all were built uber fantastic with photorealistic textures or anything like that, but they were still amazing. Animals at every turn. Being able to ride them, some of them, yeah that lead to some awesome adventures and great times. Zebra races were a highlight for us, for months on end. We could spend days and never tire. I don't know if it was one sim, it may have been, but it seemed like an entire grid of its own while we were there.

I love places like that because they intrigue me. They give me something to do without telling me "do this". Yes they can come with some lag, but any place can, really. I just love places that keep me not only entertained but, well, inspired. I just think they're the bees knees. I can't say enough about them. I love that they are inviting to all, no matter who you are, you can find something to do or be intrigured by enough to stick around. I love that they weren't so overly done that you think "ZOMG how the hell can I get through all this.. where do I even start". No, no matter where you land, the "where to begin" is subtle and completely open ended. I love themed sims that are open ended. I am not nearly as fond of  "start here to begin your adventure" type places. Though truth be told they can be fun too. I love places that have things hidden in every nook and cranny. Places like the gardens sims and such where if you walk far enough, you'll find cozy places tucked away. The end of the earth sims(I think they're called that) are also like this. They're also always empty when I go, which sometimes just leads to me enjoying them even more. They're peaceful, yet fun to travel. I've seen them in their entirety, yet I'm compelled to return from time to time. That, defines a great sim, for me.

I lost my train of thought dangit, but, if I think of what it was I'll come back. Maybe this will help you a little, maybe not, who knows, lol. Either way I wish you lots of luck with your new project. I am sure no matter what you do, it will be awesome.


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Something interactive, with a quest. I have RL people who are always asking where to find one of those. 

Sims like Bentham are popular and stay popular. 

I think people want things to do as well as things to look at. If you have to attach a shop to it, i think it should be on a separate parcel, and they should be able to land in a third separate parcel, which is sort of a landing pad/waiting spot. While they rez.

If the owner has even more money to throw at the sim, then hire someone to be there on site to answer questions, help, or police the sim, as was necessary.

Please don't use mesh. A lot of people still can't see it.

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VRprofessor wrote:

Any chance you could do something at the quarter-sim level?

I ask because different folks have different likes and dislikes.  To me the "best" sim in SL would have something for as many folks as possible. 


I think this is the main challenge with a project like this, that being to make it as appealing to as many people as possible without it being too generic.

The idea that is at the forefront of my mind at the moment is a little hard to explain but I shall try. It is loosely based on some Star Trek holodecks I built years ago but much grander. The whole sim will be an interior space. So we have a cube 256m x 256m x 256m and everything is happening inside it.. The visitor arrives in the centre of the cube in a large foyer area with lots of doorways, lets say 12 for this description. Each door leads to a different "experience". I've not given any detailed thought to any of the experiences, but for this example there will be twelve experiences, one behind each door 

Possible experiences are:

50's B movie, all black and white etc,

Winding jungle trail that spirals around the cube to the top arriving at a 200m drop waterfall where you can jump in a balloon and float to the bottom of the falls.

Another route would rip off the idea behind the greenies sim because that just rocked.

Another route would be spooky and horror themed

Another theme could be Tomb Raiders like, exploring the inside of a ruined pyramid

Another one could be a wild mine cart ride

An alien planet

A world like Tron

A journey through the inside of the human body.

etc etc etc. You get the idea.

The route behind each door will be twisty turney so the traveler really feels like they are traveling some distance from start to end.

The spaces will mainly be small to medium connected by curvey corridors or other methods to restrict the line of sight. This way I can really maximize the effitiency of mesh by not having to worry about building in the lower LOD levels saving lots on LI. However there will need to be some grand spaces as there is nothing like emerging from a confined area into a large area full of things to take your breath away. Skyrim Dungeons are a great example for that.

Here is the real substance of the idea. Each door has its own auto rezzer (controllable only by the owner) that contains dozens of experiences that could be loaded in behind that specific door. So on Monday door 1 leads to a 60's style London side streets type experience and on Tuesday it leads to a Trippy David Lynch inspired tour an on Wednesday it leads to a such and such......you get the idea.

So 12 doors, each with a different selection of experiences. All the experiences for each would need to be built and rezzed in the same 3D space (behind that specific door) to avoid overlapping but it's perfectly doable.

We could also combine the experiences behind each door to create one large experience or environment. So for Christmas, you would rez the Christmas experience at each door, 12 different areas pop up and link together to form one flowing Christmasy environment.

Another part of this idea that appeals to me is that the project can continue to evolve after I have handed over the keys as it were. There is no reason why other builders could not be commissioned to create new experiences that could be loaded into the rezzers. It could be almost like a living build, constantly changing and evolving.

The more I write about this idea the more it appeals to me. Let me know what you think.

If I went with this I would still need concepts for themes so if you have any ideas please post.

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i quite like the holodeck idea. can see the benefits of each being made into dif scenes

i really like how you thinking about the future. how not only you but other builders can come later on. is very smart thinking as attractions do wane in appeal after a time


maybe you could try use as much of the experience permissions as well as possible, like the temp attach and pathfinding

i always liked things where the world moves as well as you

- at one of the birthday bash was this train carriage. you could move round in it as the carriage was statiionary but it rocked and use audio and visual effects to make it seem like it was moving. was pretty cool

- was this starship deck i went on once (cant remember where now). but again you could move round and sit on stuff that did things. what made it special for me was you could make it go fast or slow. by sit the Zulu chair and click the controls. the viewport/window texture/video combo would speed up or slow down and the whole thing would hum. was pretty cool that. other people could sit on other things as well and everyone could play like starships

- the other thing about motion is MoveToTarget on avatars. like can make attract/repel effects. the cool one is where MoceToTarget pulls you along a path passing from post to post. where it gets good is when you can still move yourself as well by use arrow keys like normal so can go anywhere but as soon you stop moving yourself then it gentle pull/repel you back on the pathway. is quite cool how that works 

i went on one one time. was two sky platforms and when you Touch the orbiter then you float between them but you could fly round as well and it did the whole moving universe effect as well

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Melita Magic wrote:

Please don't use mesh. A lot of people still can't see it.

Sorry to but in, but: What is a "lot"?

The fact actually is that the big majority of people use mesh enabled viewers.  Those who don't are the continually diminishing minority.  Therefore I would encourage to use mesh, because with it amazing low lag things can be made.

Well, back on the subject.


Looking back at sims what I have visited I think the Apollo sim (now gone) has impressed me the most.  It had great amazing buildings, it had nice nature, varied landscape.  I just loved it.  There was also something to do as there was nice smallish dance floor where people danced clad on fancy clothes.  There were places to sit down in various places and admire the view.  There was even a magic carpet tour.  What I would like to see "in the best SL sim" is open spaces.  Whole sim confined inside some build does not sound so inviting to me as open space sim.

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Two words: sex sim! There are not enough GOOD ones left but obviously there is a demand! :)

Kidding aside, I just had this discussion with another builder and we specifically talked about the multiple theme zone idea. The problem with what you described is that you are really making a lot of small places disconnected from each other, so they will always look like 50 others in-world and have stiff competition. Instead, stick with one theme and then fold the various room ideas into it. Use the Deep Space 9 concept for instance. It had a bar, games, shooting (occasionally), dancing, quiet areas, etc. but all as part of the themed community as a whole.

I also recommend the age-old rule that form follows function. Decide what you want people to see, do and experience on your sim first and then develop a theme around it.

Personally, I think one of the hardest ideas you have but with the largest potential is the 1950's era black and white television theme. Making a complete sim in grey where the only color comes from the avis would be incredibly difficult to pull off but I doubt anyone would forget. That is why the Greenie sim was so popular; it was a great concept pulled off very well in its use of perception and detail.

Don't forget whatever you decide you have to enjoy too! Fun is the reason we are here!

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Coby Foden wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Please don't use mesh. A lot of people still can't see it.

Sorry to but in, but: What is a "lot"?

The fact actually is that the big majority of people use mesh enabled viewers.  Those who don't are the continually diminishing minority.  Therefore I would encourage to use mesh, because with it amazing
low lag
things can be made.


I sympathize that not every one has the hardware to view mesh, however I will have to primarily use mesh for this project. I am going to attempt to build the best sim in SL both in appearance and the experience it offers and I cannot ignore the benefits that mesh brings both in the reduction of lag and the creative freedom it gives me.

Also, it really frustrates me building in regular prims and sculpties now. I did a custom project a few months back for someone, just a small furnished cottage, but they wanted only prims and sculpts. I felt so restricted throughout the entire building process, For every part of the build I created I got frustrated because I knew I could do it better, faster and more effitiently using 3D modeling software. I've firmly crossed over into the mesh creation camp now and I don't want to go back.

Thanks to everyone who has offered suggestions. I am still 100% undecided so keep them coming, still a month to go before the sim is free. 

Cheers :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Porky Gorky wrote:

I've firmly crossed over into the mesh creation camp now and I don't want to go back.

A few customers asked me a year ago if ALL my building would be mesh from then on. I knew they did not want to hear it -- but yes, for all the reasons you say.  It's like asking someone who builds with Legos if he plans to do some work with Tinkertoys.  You just can't go back.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Okay I very rarely leave my store, and then only for something business related, so except for blog pics I have personally experienced very little of the amazing sims out there.

But I would leave my store, willingly, if there were dinosaurs to be seen.

Just saying.

Swing by and pick me up on your way .. k?

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  • 1 month later...

I seldom participate in these blogs because I know I not in any way an expert. But what I have seen is that some of the best Sims disappear and I am guessing it is because it is due to financial reasons. So for you to get an opportunity to build one for the sake of public improvements is fabulous.

The ones I have always cherished were ones that were able to draw me into them and make me want to explore each corner. Fortunately "The Far Away" is still there and I can practically feel the prairie wind on my face. "The Mother Road" will always have a special place in my heart. I could smell the dust in the air. And the recently closed "Edo Japanese Hosoi Mura, Miyagawacho Hanamachi Okiya" had such detail, you could believe you were truly in Edo Japan.

Each of these Sims drew me in and made me a part of them and I think that is what I loved. None of them suffered much from lag and that added to the experience of being there. I will admit that I am not much of a fan of floating in space watching planets because I find that it only holds my interest for a few minutes and does not encourage me to explore but that is a personal thing and I know not everyone enjoys what I enjoy.

The idea of multiple experiences is very intriguing and if you are able to do so I will visit it regularly. If you can create experiences that appeal to different tastes I think you will be successful.

I wish you all the luck and success.

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I always long for a sim where you simply DO STUFF. If there's a stand with some popcorn, you can scoop popcorn out , eat it and get a bag for your inventory. If there are chairs by a duck pond, you can sit on the chair, throw popcorn and watch the ducks eat it. If there's a tree, you can climb it. Interactivity, and lots of it.

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Bree Giffen wrote:

I always long for a sim where you simply DO STUFF. If there's a stand with some popcorn, you can scoop popcorn out , eat it and get a bag for your inventory. If there are chairs by a duck pond, you can sit on the chair, throw popcorn and watch the ducks eat it. If there's a tree, you can climb it. Interactivity, and lots of it.

^^ that ^^

interactive works for me


is lots of pretty and quiet contemplative sims which tell a story thru visualisation. but can only just look at them. a bit like postcards. is ok many of them. like they very well made. but when click or sit then nothing happens


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