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Something very very big to be announced

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Tem Haalan wrote:

Porky Gorky wrote:

We have 6 hours to spread the word. We are the masters of social networking. We can get a million people reading this thread in that time!!!!!!

Imagine that!

Cross posted to my SL feed.


(that's another 5 people who may read it)



Me to , better be good, better be very good...glares at the chipmunk

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Tex Nasworthy wrote:

This is very unusual. Obviously I'm very excited, as everyone should be, yet I can't shake this feeling of pending doom.

How much time left?


About 4 hours 28 minutes.  Interesting that we both have the same feelings.



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Perhaps what seems "big," or even "very very big" to a chipmunk might not seem quite so large to the rest of us.

Such things are relative, after all.

Oh god. What if it's, like, a new line of breedable chipmunks?

That would be a very very big announcement, to a chipmunk.

It's the "losing your virginity" thing, literally.

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Porky Gorky wrote

We have 6 hours to spread the word. We are the masters of social networking. We can get a million people reading this thread
that time!!!!!!

Imagine that!

Cross posted to my SL feed.


another 5 people who may read it)



/me prepares the ark. 


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Caitlin Tobias wrote:


Thank you Caitlin for that very relevant post.  Obviously one should not expect a major announcement to come from a tiny wheezing creature.  They clearly have a very small brain.  All points that further support what I'd mentioned earlier.  I'm sure we all wish Qwal the best in his future endeavors but... this very very big thing is likely very very small like Qwal.

Summing up:

  • He's an novice announcer with no track record at all
  • He's falling apart mentally
  • He likely won't survive to make the announcement
  • He wheezes while sleeping.
  • He has a tiny brain.


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Darrius Gothly wrote:

/me Nominates Qwalyphi Korpov as the new Director of Marketing for Second Life....

(Really? Has anyone else shown the ability to stir up such a fuss?)

I second that.

He couldn't be any worse than Kim Salzer. She came in with massive hype having worked for Activision/Blizard and EA. Reaching the position of Head of Marketing she seem to totally fail at her job of ......well, marketing. All she did was tie the Lab up in corporate policy that helped destroy the open free thinking working spirit that people like Philip and Cory built the company upon.


Anyway, I digress..........42 minutes to go!!!!!



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Porky Gorky wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

good idea Porky ! Im gonna to share this in my google + and facebook right now... and as soon as ill be back from work at home and will log inworld, i will send notice and spams to all my groups. This will be an incredible evening till hour H ! But... Is the forum server able to support so much connections at the same time ? Im worried...

Due to the very very very big nature of the announcement, I am absolutely 100% positive that Qwal has been making arrangements with Lindens Labs for weeks to ensure that there is enough server capacity to support the massive audience that is bound to want to read about this very very very very very very big announcement.

Do not worry. I am positive Qwal has got absolutely everything under control. It's all going to go perfectly.

Right Qwal?

For sure.  Planning is everything.

/me looks for that LL contact #... billing#..... hello billing?.. I need to talk to someone about web... ticket?  omg.. no time


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