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Having to give back items if it is your outfit


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The club owner gives me a uniform/outfit, and it's a 'work outfit'. The thing is, it is not in my inventory as an object now. (they never stated that you had to keep the object) Can you really get in 'trouble' for this, or is it all just a scare tactic? I have it as a folder, and could delete the folder.
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Not sure I understand the situation.

You worked for a place. The place gave you a work uniform or outfit to wear while working.

You stopped working for that place.

Now they want the outfit back.

Unless it has their logo and there is some bad blood between you I don't see why they would worry about you keeping and wearing it. What does the average outfit cost retail in SL right now - about 100L? Fifty cents or so?

If you can give it back, do. If not, just tell them what happened. Since they did GIVE it to you there is not much else for them to do.

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That must've been the most confused/confusing OP I ever had the misfortune of reading.

Just clue up on the 3 permissions that are possible with any objects in SL: mod, copy, trans. Yes, it's really just 3.

Then check your uniform and find out which criteria are met. If it's NO COPY/TRANS just give it back. If it's COPY/NO TRANS you can't give it back so tell your ex-boss to kiss your sexy behind.

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LuciaRiley wrote:

The club owner gives me a uniform/outfit, and it's a 'work outfit'. The thing is, it is not in my inventory as an object now. (they never stated that you had to keep the object) Can you really get in 'trouble' for this, or is it all just a scare tactic? I have it as a folder, and could delete the folder.

First off, I see no way you could get in trouble for this. It would appear to me to be a Resident to Resident dispute which technically speaking LL does not get involved with.  (I always allow for the possibility of someone at LL doing something dumb.)

But secondly, and only you can answer the question, were you told before you accepted the Uniform that it was only for club use and/or you would need to return it if you ceased employment there?  In that case it would be a matter of your own personal ethics as to what course of action you take.


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