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we need more prims and would like a different linden home are these things possible


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2 answers to this question

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You can abandon your current home and apply for another one, as many as five times a day until the luck of the draw gives you one you like.

You can NOT buy more prims.  The only way to get more prims is to abandon your Linden Home and buy a larger parcel on the mainland (or lease one on a private estate).  You will get free tier on the first 512 square meters of mainland you own, so you could own 1024 square meters (234 prims) for just $5 USD additional per month.

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You may change your Linden Home up to five times a day, if you want to.  To get a new one, you first need to

1. Remove your stuff from the current home, moving one piece at a time into your inventory.

2. Stand in your house, click About Land (or the Land button at the top of your screen), and click Abandon Land.

Then you may request a new Linden Home the same way you requested the first one.

All Linden Homes are on 512 sq m parcels and all come with 117 prims ( like any 512 sq m parcel anywhere in SL).  If you want more prims, you'll need to buy more land elsewhere instead of choosing your Linden Home.  The number of prims you are allowed is directly proportional to the size of your parcel. Frankly, the smartest strategy, regardless of which land you end up in, is to learn to budget your resources.  Watch your prims as you build or buy.

The 512 sq m land fee waiver that you are currently using for the Linden Home may be used instead to pay for your first 512 sq m of land on the Mainland.

Read more about Linden Homes here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103

And more about buying land here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043

And finally, more about your Premium membership here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-membership/ta-p/1054477

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