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17,000L$ FULL SIM From Regent Estates Your Sim, Your Rules!

Aizur Zessinthal

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!!!!SOLD!!!! but check out our other listings by visiting our main office on MLCC! http://slurl.com/secondlife/MLCC/57/37/23


17K for a full prim sim? Are we insane??

Maybe but its absolutely a real deal and not likely to be available for long! How can we offer this? We've had this sim for over 5 years now! Rather than continue to run it ourselves we're giving YOU a chance tomake of it what you will.

RP sim? Go for it!

Business mall? Sure thing!

Skybox rentals? If that's your thing!

New York NYC



  • Land purchase includes the first week of tier
  • No Premium Account needed!
  • 15,000 prims, 65536sqm
  • up to 6 Estate Managers, full land rights
  • full time customer service
  • Established Estate: 5+ years doing business in SL
  • Paypal Available! Buy land in world and our staff will get you set up if desired!

Regent Estates offers a choice of 28 terrain files that can be applied to any Homestead or full sim, for those who don't want to terraform the land themselves or search the Marketplace!




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