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i cant log in second life


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Yesterday i joined  second life, y  i cant log in

the message is:your log or password is wrong. but its no true.

i dont what is the problem and if there is a solution.

my grapfics is nvdia geforce gt 520

operating system windows 7

thank you

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You logged in here, so you have the corrrect login and password.  If you are using a viewer that has spaces for 2 names, you must enter a last name:


Enter your login as your first name. 

Otherwise, type out your password on a text editor.  Check thar against your password, which you should have written down somewhere.  If you are sure what you typed is right, copy paste it into the password field.  See if that works.  

If you still can't login, look for something that says "Forgot your password?"  Click the nearby button.  You will need to supply  the email address you gave when you created this account.  They will send you instructions for creating a new password.


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