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Looking for Hand-Laser-Sword-Things


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First, I have no idea if this is the place to ask, so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. If that's fine, onto my question!

I had no idea how to describe them, but I'm looking for a weapon or weapons (preferably scripted or animated) that are something like this:



As in, they look a lot like lightsabers, but protrude from the user's wrists/hands rather than use a hilt like a sword. I searched around a bit in marketplace but I mostly found claws rather than what I would like exactly. If I can't buy them, I'm willing to attempt to make them myself using existing lightsaber items if I can. Color Customization is highly important to me, but I will work with anything I can get, really.

Thanks for your help, if you have any to offer! I appreciate any help, really...

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