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Second Life tells me the parcel is full and it is returning things to my Lost and Found


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I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this, I'm planning on posting in the technology forum too.

My girl friend and I are renting land and we both recieved messages that the parcel was full and some of our objects were being returned to our Lost and Found.  We returned home and a lot of our stuff was gone from where it had been rezzed.  A lot.


Neither of us has anything in our Lost and Found after multiple relogs.  We are not over on our prim count by a good 600 prims so that can't be it. 


What happened?  Do we have any recourse? 


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I can't offer anything as to whether or not your parcel was full but look in both your Lost and Found folder and your Trash for objects that have an icon that looks like 3 small boxes in a pile. (The icon for normal objects is one box)

When multiple objects are returned to you, they are put together in one 'coallesced' object with the multi-box icon. The coallesced object takes the name of one of the items in it. If you have any of that type, you can rez them and all the objects inside will appear. Then you can take them one-by-one into your inventory.

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