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Lumiya Help


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walking around in Lumiya is unpleasant at best. you an bring up a 3d view, and try to navigate around what looks like an Atari world. But there's not much else that walking has to offer. Furthermore, when it's time to talk again, you need to revert back to the text screen.

your best bet is to save anywhere you would want to go from a different viewer as a landmark and then when you need to go there in Lumiya, it's there, and you're not stuck trying to walk and guess what you're looking at.

I think it's only a matter of time until someone comes up with something better than Lumiya, but Android was designed as a light duty operating systems for phones and tablets. The way that they handle graphics is way different than for a computer. I get the impression that anyone who designs software for Android really is forced to design for 2 year old hardware, and with how quickly the hardware that phones and tablets use is evolving, things will get better in time. But for now, I use Lumiya just for chats and IM's. I ask friends to teleport me a LOT.

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  • 9 months later...

I know this is kind of a late answer, but never the less... In Lumiya you can use the search function too and look for places of interest for one. Once you tp there, as in regular viewers that are not running on Android, you can save a landmark. You can also head to the Second Life website and browse through the different sites, places and sims, ad copy the locations you like to the clipboard. You can than copy and paste in Lumiya and save the location again as an LM.


Working with Lumiya is not like working on a fast pc or laptop....that much is for sure. Still, if you want to have some ease of use, try and minimize the 3D screen leaving your keyboard in sight. This way slower tablets can easier cope and give you a bit more speed since there's less pixels to calculate. If you work with the Android keyboard, i advise using a stylus for more precision and speed. If you do have the money for it, get yourself a bluetooth keyboard.

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