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Searching for Volleyball Players


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Hello I am a coach here on second life for a wonderful team
I am currently looking for a few players that are women that are intrested in joining the Devil's Volleyball team start out pay is 100$L when you show up and we have a game or pratice going on at that time, and their is no set time frame to be part of secondlife to play but you will half to contact me in world to get a application and see if you are eligable to play. Not everyone who contacts me will be hired, but I will do a interview with you also if you ocntact me please be serious about this no kinda drama. So far our seasons are playing every Sunday at 4pm. This could change periodically. If you want to know more about this please contact me in world. Also if you do not show up you will not get paid. Please send me a notecard or a IM depending on if I am on or not, if I am not on I will not recieve your IM my IM's do however get capped.. My screen name in world is MaddisonMidnight

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