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I cant recieve certain gifts why?


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even tho my avi says I've been here a year and sum mo's I've give up abt 4 times cos I 've had a hard time learning SL. but this time I said no giving up. Im reaching out more to ppl I dnt knw and on forums like these. Ppl have been very helpful, but wht I've found is tht when ppl gift or give me things I sometimes dnt reiceve the item and they try a couple times but it doesn't work wanted to knw if anyone knws the answer to this. Ty in advance if you can answer

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2 answers to this question

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Welcome back to SL.

There are many possible answers.

1. If someone gave you a shirt, it ought to end up in your system Clothing folder, but maybe you have been looking in Objects.  Check different system folders.

2. If someone gave you several items in a folder, it will have its own name instead of going into one of the system folders.

For either of those two first possibilities, try using filters in the Recent tab of your inventory. Just click the little gear icon in its lower left corner and select Show Filters.  Then change the number of days or hours to have it display things you have received recently.  See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-your-inventory/ta-p/1370823

3. Someone may have given you something, but you didn't accept it.  You do need to click the "Accept" button on your screen or in an IM, or else the object won't go into your inventory.

4.  Someone said he was going to send you something, but he either forgot to do it or he screwed up.

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