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Neighbor Needed


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Come and be my neighbor! Little cozy 1024 square meter parcel has 234 prims. Its rated general and there is a nice little park next to us. It runs L$450 per week but if you'd choose to rent monthly, there is a discount offered. Great customer support and lag usually isn't an issue (SL Gods willing).  Please stop by anytime as fits your schedule.

Here's the spot for my hoped-for-neighbor:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Tangled%20Arbor/207/240/21

Or stop by the office ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tangled/167/112/22  )anytime, we have multiple sims and sizes of parcels, adult as well. When you are at the office, check out the kiosks - they will show you where the parcels for sale are and give you a quick teleport to check them out. Signage at the spot gives rates and prims. Be sure to check to see if the rate is for a week or a month so you understand the pricing.

Or look for me online (wildonepleaser). I go by Classy Hallelujah inworld - but SL insists on my original name for search. Would love to assist - and also to have another good neighbor!
May you discover much SL joy,

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