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Looking for a script

Tamara Artis

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I'm helping my landlord to find a script, or an object that coud help him run his business, here's what he needs;

- i want a panel that people can come, click and it will pay that person a set amount of money for that month

- so say you came over, you click the panel on my land, it would check your name, see you not been paid that month then it would pay you a preset amount

- i made a bit of profit on the rentals last month and wanted to give a bit of rebate to my tenants

- the people who rent say 2000 prims deserve more rebate then those who rent 500 prims

- also looking at hiring staff, and i will pay them commission every week or month on the rentals, as an ongoing salary

- then i would update it on 1st of each month

- say you find me tenant who wants 937 prims, then i would pay you 93Lindens commission every week that tenant stays

- But if you leave SL in 3 months time, but the tenant stays, THEN i don't wanna be paying your account the 93L per week if your not on SL anymore!

- i will pay ongoing commission every week for as long as the person they find, keeps renting, but they dont have to be tenants of mine to earn commission

- the more tenants i get the cheaper it becomes, so i can either offer a rent reduction to tenants OR pay commission to people who find me tenants. problem with reducing peoples rent boxes, on months all the lands are full is that if few tenants then leave the next month i need to raise the prices back again to cover the costs, and would be annoying having to visit every rental box for every tenant every month to change it!

- so tenants know every month what they are paying but once a month they can go to my land, and click a box and get a little bit of money rebate


I just copied what he said he needs. Idea is to have some sort of a panel in his office where his tennants and staff would come once a month, click the board and get payed amount of money he sets. So there should be a notecard in that object where he would write down names and amount of money to pay to each person that clicks the board, once a month. I have no idea if an object like this can be bought somewhere. If any of you knows or can make him a script like this, please contact me with your rates and I will let him know. 

Thanks in advance;)


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not to be negative about this, but the amount of work he would have to do to input all the data each month so the script knew who to pay and how much, it would honestly be easier to just pay the person and put a message in the pay field for record keeping. Also as it would be drawing from his account, it would need permissions and so on, all of that would just be more work than he would need to do to just pay them direct.

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