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Is Merchant-Outbox broken/down ?

Restless Swords

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If it gives you that message about you needing to create a store, then it's probably not recognizing that you are logged into the Marketplace. Try this:

1. Close your SL Viewer.

2. Log out of the SL Marketplace in your web browser, wait a few moments then log back in again.

3. Go to the Manage Listings page from the Merchant Home Page. Wait about a minute.

4. Log back into your SL Viewer.

5. Wait for the world to rez fully, then open the Merchant Outbox and wait for the little spinny thing to quit spinny-ing.

Now try dragging something into it. Let us know if that helps.

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mtwtfss71 wrote:

For me, personally, I've experienced this when I am wearing something that is in the folder that I'm trying to drag over or when I'm experiencing lag on my sim. Could this be the case?

Oh gawd .. yes! I'd never even thought about the possibility of wearing something that is in the folder. That will surely cause problems as that item is "locked" while being worn and thus can't be copied or given away. The same type of problem happens when trying to give a copy of a Gesture while it is Active. I have to deactivate it and THEN I can hand a copy to someone.

Good thinking mtwtfss71!

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1) i am not wearing anything that i want in the outbox

2) I tried the sequence Darrius recommended (although  not sure why being logged into browser store makes a difference to putting items into outbox), but it did not work

YES, as Darrius mentioned, my Merchant Outbox opens with the message saying anyone can create a store (as if it cannot tell i already have a store - and hence why it wont let me drag stuff there).

3) even tried going to a different computer with slightly older sl-viewer, identical results

SO, in the end i have given up and opened a support ticket to see if LL has any magic answer.


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Glad to hear you got it resolved. To answer your question:

Restless Swords wrote:

2) I tried the sequence Darrius recommended (although  not sure why being logged into browser store makes a difference to putting items into outbox), but it did not work

Apparently the Viewer uses information from your login to the Marketplace in determining if you have a store active on the Marketplace. I agree with you, it makes no sense that it can't just look up in the database to see if there is a store active or not, but that code is provided by Linden Lab (not by the TPVs or anyone else) and thus must remain a mystery as to the why-fors and how-comes.

Whatever the reason, it has proven true that logging into the Marketplace is necessary before trying to use the Merchant Outbox. Interesting though that the solution provided required you to delete the folder and let it create a new one. Another mystery is .. why couldn't it just "fix" the settings and not require completely recreating the folder to "get it right".

(And all these years I operated under the mistaken assumption that Confucious was inscrutable. LOL)

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