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Relinquish land

SuzyQ Faith

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As RL situations have changed and limited my available time to visit my SL home I was wondering what options I have to sell my land/region to others or back to Linden?  I still like to pop in when I can but no longer find it reasonable/affordable to pay the monthly reacurring maintanence up keep fees.


Please help

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3 answers to this question

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If the Land is a Linden Home, you would Abandon the Land in the About Land Page, to release the Land.

If you own Mainland, you could place the Land for sale to Any Resident, or Abandon the Land.

A Bot sale, is where you keep lowering the selling price, until a bot arrives and purchases the land. The price paid is currently very low.

After you have released all Land, make sure to visit your Account Dashboard, to manually reduce your Tier.





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That does change things, a private Island has plenty value.

You can advertise the Land for Sale here at the Forum.

You could do a search for Buyers of Private Regions.


If you feel rushed to sell, you should pay for another month, to give yourself time to get a Fair price.


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