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Creating New Account - Can I Copy Everything From My Old One?

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I started SL some time age and I had to stop because I was living somewhere with a terrible internet connection, so now a few years later I've decided that I want to start up again. I've just logged into this account (although there's maintenance now  so I can't do anything) and I realised that I just don't like my name anymore, so I wanted to change my first name.

I'd also noticed that SL has removed the first/last name thing and replaced it with an ID where you can choose whatever name you want, which would be fine except that since user's can view the ID too I don't want the screen name to be a different first name to the ID. Maybe it's just that i'm weird.

So anyway this leaves me with one real solution; I create a new account and transfer everything I have. I don't care about clothes, but I do remember buying a really nice skin/hair, which I don't wish to change. Also I have over L$1,000 (though i'm not sure how much this really is in-game). So can I transfer all of this over to a new account and start fresh?


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Transferring items between accounts is something we all wish LL would introduce but as it stands now, it's impossible.  You can however pay your other avatar whatever Lindens you have remaining of course.

And with regards to Avie name, there is an additional feature now called display name.  So you have your logoin name (which you cannot change btw) and your display name (which you can change).

hth :)

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The L$ can be transferred, you would just Pay your new Avatar.  The value is about $3.50 I've seen people do crazy things for 10L$; it's worth keeping.

Any items that are No Transfer, will not be transferable to your new Avatar.

It is my opinion, that you should keep this account, set it to non premium, if it is not. The account could safely remain at idle. Options are nice things to have in the future.

A fresh start, using the same skin? Is that possible? You don't have to answer that, I'm just trying to distract you from the possible disappointment, of not being able to transfer some items.


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Thank you for the reply.

I know about the display name. What I meant is that I don't like the idea of using a different first name as the screen name. I want to change my name to Alexandra Cavalieri, but my username will always be zara.cavalieri, which makes it weird. If my username had been something random like rival.destiny (not an obvious name) then I could have changed my display name to anything I wanted, whereas my current username is still obviously a RL name. Do you understand?

Ultimately it's just me being weird and obsessive. If people couldn't see usernames then i'd be fine. It's a shame about the objects. I might have to stick with this account just to keep the skins.

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Personally, I think you're better off with "Zara Cavalieri" as your username, with a display name of "Alexandra Cavalieri", than you would be with a username of "AlexandraCavalieri Resident" -- in the unlikely event that you can get that username. It's not that you get to pick *any* name:  It can't contain a space character, for example, and can't have been already chosen (and a few other constraints).

The old name also comes with an earlier rezdate (especially evident, now that new accounts all have "Resident" as their last names), and if it were me, I'd keep using that account for that reason alone. (Of course, it's *not* me, and for whatever reason you may not want to appear such an "oldbie".)

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The real question is what would bother you more? Using the old login name, or needing to rebuy skins, shapes, etc? To be honest with you, I've don the new avatar a few times, and found while I was doing the makeover I always found something that I like better than what I already have, and it always made the new avatar look very different from the previous ones. Since there are new things being made all the time, you may quickly find yourself losing the love for the old things you have.

Maybe the best thing you can do is either use your old avatar to look at what's out there now, and decide whether the skin and hair you have are worth keeping the name that you don't like, or make a new free avatar with the name you like, do some shopping to give her her own look, and at the end of it alll decide which has the best combination of everything. your old account won't go away because you made a new one, so you can switch back and forth as much as you would like.

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