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Ban Lines Not Working


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Hello all!

I was at my home earlier and I have it set to no public access, but I looked on my nearby map and someone I don't even know teleported into my house. My friend and I did a test where I kicked him out of my group and he tried to teleport there and it let him in too. What would cause the ban lines not to work?



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You didn;t say where your house was, but I can think of one case in which ban lines wouldn't work.  Ban lines do not work above about 100m from the ground, so they won't keep anyone out of a skybox.  Prompted by another question here in Answers a couple of weeks ago, I did a few experiments and found that I could fly over ban lines at an elevation of 90m.  They would have kept me out, all the way to 5000m, if I had been on the parcel's ban list, but not otherwise. 

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GingerVee wrote:

Hello all!

I was at my home earlier and I have it set to no public access, but I looked on my nearby map and someone I don't even know teleported into my house. My friend and I did a test where I kicked him out of my group and he tried to teleport there and it let him in too. What would cause the ban lines not to work?



Do you have a large basement under your home?

General bans that affect everyone not in an access list, as opposed to banning an individual by name, is only effective 50 M above the terrain surface. I set up a castle once with a 60 M deep basement under the castle. if I set up a parcel levell access control like you describe, anyone would still be able to TP to the ground floor of that castle, since the terrain was more than 50 M below their feet.

Banning someone by name is effective to 768 Meters above the terrain surface. Avove that height, the only way to keep someone out is an estate-level access control, making an entire private sim non-public, or scripted security devices that eject anyone not on their accessl list.

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It sounds more like you have "group only" access.  This sets the no enry lines to about 50m high above the terrain limit.  If your home, or part of it, is above this limit, people can still enter.


This is different to actually banning somebody outright, in which case, the ban lines now go 5000m high.


Suggested fix: get a security orb and set it to protect your land.  ergo, problem solved.

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