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_Attention to all Residents of SL

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Hello everyone,


i rescently got some IMs that contains a URL to a Phishing website :

Have a look to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing what "phishing" means.


Those IM's are advertising a Shop at the SL-Marketplace, what is sureley a fake. The Weblink in the IMs redirects your Web-Browser to a Phishingsite that wants steel your SL-Login-Password.


Be aware, and pay attention about, the Web-Links i had was beginning with : http://bit.ly/...

I've filed allready an AR, any suggestions here are very welcome.



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Scams trying to direct you to fake marketplace sites are nothing new, I've been seeing them for months now. They are NOT directing to marketplace.secondlife.com but to URLs designed to look similar like sl-marketplace.com (which is a fake site, dedicated to phishing your SL credentials).

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