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Please! Activate Autoreturn!

Jadeclaw Denfu

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That's why:


Someone has dropped hundreds of these spam spouting yellow balls on West Haven.Those ending up on Linden land got nuked by Autoreturn, But, they move and quite a bunch got stuck on parcels with Autoreturn set to 0. Enough to make residents life a misery, as they also produce a deafening noise.

So please, set Autoreturn to a sensible value, e.g 30 minutes, enough to not kick out passing vehicle users, but way shorter than the reaction time of the Abuse department.

That also solves the problem with unoccupied vehicles getting stuck a strange places.

Oh, and I have of course filed an AR regarding these particle spammers.

With Autoreturn active throughout on all land, the Lindens would have much less work with stuff like that and could do more to improve the service.


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jwenting wrote:"" see things like that a lot exploring the mainland.""

That's how I stumble upon stuff like that as well. I was in Nova Albion, when the red bubbles start popping up, easily traced down to West Haven.

Some thoughts about these yellow particle spammers:

They had a peculiar movement programmed in, obviously designed to push them ever so slightly into adjoining parcels, even into those, which had Object Entry set to Disallow. The position is a Float value with limited resolution, so rounding and calculation errors can be used to just push the center of the offending object just slightly over the parcel border before other blocks on that parcel are triggered. Resulting in rows of balls stuck at the parcel borders, just out of reach of the Autoreturn function on the Linden land.

Since Owner and creator are different users, it begs the question, why does someone possibly pays money for a griefer device, just to make other peoples experience on SL miserable.

I suggest the following land settings, from my own experience and what I have seen inworld:

Banlines off. Banlines are one of the major reasons for littering, especially vehicles at strange places. Plus, banlines drag down value and quality of the surrounding land.

Security devices either off or constrained to the buildings on the parcel. Trigger happy security orbs are another major reason for littering and grief.

'Build' set to 'Group' or owner, depending on if the land is rented or owned. Your land is not a public sandbox.

'Object Entry' to 'Everyone', prevents of separation of drivers and vehicles and allows automated vehicles to pass, preventing litter.

'Run Scripts' to 'Everyone', that way Autodie-Scripts will not be prevented from removing objects as designed. The YavaScript-Tourpods have such a suicide script inside, they die after 4 minutes when they get stuck.

Autoreturn set to a sensible value, I have it set to 30 minutes on my parcel, so flyovers or riding through on a horse is still possible, but griefer devices like the yellow balls get nuked in an acceptable timeframe.

And of course, visit your property from time to time, in case something bad ends up there.


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Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:


Since Owner and creator are different users, it begs the question, why does someone possibly pays money for a griefer device, just to make other peoples experience on SL miserable.

When it comes to griefer devices, there's no guarantee that the account listed as the Creator actually created the device.  It's very possible that the "creator" account gave away a full perm object which was later reworked into a greifer device.  Always AR the **owner** and not the creator.


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Hugsy Penguin wrote:

Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:


Since Owner and creator are different users, it begs the question, why does someone possibly pays money for a griefer device, just to make other peoples experience on SL miserable.

When it comes to griefer devices, there's no guarantee that the account listed as the Creator actually created the device.  It's very possible that the "creator" account gave away a full perm object which was later reworked into a greifer device. 


That is always the possibility, the creators account also could be dead long ago, haven't checked at that time.

""Always AR the **owner** and not the creator.""  Which I did, as that is the most sensible option.



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