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Number of Tattoo Layers?


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I've used as many as 4 at once (tattoo, 2x make-up, plus hairbase) and it's still worked. I've never had cause to try more. I do find that the more of a single layer I wear, the more likely that I don't render properly. Sometimes I just appear as a cloud while I look fine to myself, other times skin or clothing layers refuse to update, or remain blurry.

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VenessaLondyn wrote:

Does anyone know the max number of tattoo layers you can have on at once? For example, in the case of tattoo based makeup, can you have an eyeshadow tattoo and a lipstick tattoo on at the same time? I am using the latest version of Firestorm.


Thanks so much!

Max. # of clothing layers per slot - 5 (this includes alpha and Tattoo Layers)



ETA:  It seems that wearing multiple Tatoo Layers is a regular cause of Avatar Rezzing problems.  It comes up rather frequently in the Forum.  Why this is so I have no idea.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

VenessaLondyn wrote:

Does anyone know the max number of tattoo layers you can have on at once? For example, in the case of tattoo based makeup, can you have an eyeshadow tattoo and a lipstick tattoo on at the same time? I am using the latest version of Firestorm.


Thanks so much!

Max. # of clothing layers per slot
- 5 (this includes alpha and Tattoo Layers)


ETA:  It seems that wearing multiple Tatoo Layers is a regular cause of Avatar Rezzing problems.  It comes up rather frequently in the Forum.  Why this is so I have no idea

I use to run into problems with tatoo layers causing rezzing issue, but with the latest upgrades/improvements, I have experienced this much less frequently. When it does happen, I take off the tatoo layers and put them back on it usally fixes it quickly.

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5 is the most tattoos i been able to wear on my head. after that have to replace them






if want to wear a face tat as well then i have to replace one of them


i think is 5 each for body and legs as well. but i only ever worn like 3 at same time. so dunno exaclty


only real problem i had with tattoo layers is body tat and jacket layer. they not always update when change together unless i pan my camera so i am out the view then back and is ok after that. dunno why. maybe is just me



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