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Mesh textures issue (not showing up, why?)

Demi Ellisson

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I uploaded my textures (JPEG) and added them to the correct faces of my mesh. I've logged out and back in since with no problems affecting the textures, theyre also in my inventory so I know they're not temporary (not to mention spending over 100L on the uploads). Now all of a sudden certain textures appear grey, not only for me but others as well. This is a big issue because I have been selling an item to customers that's now bugging out and I do not have enough to reupload all the textures. I want to know why this is happening and how I can fix it.

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Im  having the same problem with textures for clothes.  I can remove clothes but then none will wear...or i can change clothes but see no change in them although its says Im wearing them.  On top of that I cant rezz objects but can wear them :D.  When i cant see the clothes change in texture I can wear objects and see them fine.  When this is happening I cant tp out , i cant cross a sim without being logged out etc.  Ive been in contact with my Net provider and they have tested my connection while on SL and theres nothing wrong on my end.


When i try to check my profile I get this message -

Frame load interrupted by policy change


This is becomming a real drag.

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Litella wrote:

[ .... ]

When i try to check my profile I get this message -

Frame load interrupted by policy change


This is becomming a real drag.

If you get this error, then you are probably running a 64-bit Windows system. It appears that the default Flash player that installs is 32-bit. While this works fine for most applications, it can cause the “Frame Load” error in SL viewers.

Try to download and install the 64-bit Flash player from Adobe. The official download page is here. An alternate direct link to the 64-bit version 11 player is here.

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