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How do I wear multiple mesh alphas so I can wear more than one mesh clothing item?

Anya Ibor

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5 answers to this question

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As has been stated, the easiest way to use multiple alphas is to use a viewer that supports them (by now that's almost all of them except for Phoenix and maybe Imprudence) and selecting "add" instead of "wear" when you put on each alpha after the second.

It may be possible to make semi-custom alphas for your outfits depending on how generous the clothing makers were, though. Some makers include the texture files they used for the alphas. Alphas are like skins or tattoos - they are made up of three separate textures - one for the head, one for the upper body, and one for the lower body, legs and feet. If you have either a modifiable alpha or create a new one, you can put the necessary alpha textures in each of the three spots and then you'll only need to wear one alpha that will hide everything.  This will only work perfectly if each item only uses one of the texture "slots" though.

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