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Update: Product Listing Enhancements and Stuck Orders


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For those of you trying to reconcile your Product Listing Enhancement charges and refunds, here are a couple of tips to help you find the transactions and order numbers.

Subscription Charge
In order to determine the order number on your subscription, you can look it up in your Marketplace orders OR in your Second Life transaction history. The explanation below covers using your transaction history.

Here is a sample from the Detail column of the transaction report--see the order number at the end:
Destination: Commerce Linden
MKT2 Subscription
Description: Order #1306369458

Subscription Refund
In order to identify the order number on a refund associated with your subscription, please use your Second Life transaction history.

Here is a sample from the Detail column of the report. See the order number on the last line; it is in burgundy and bold:
Source: Commerce Linden
MKT2 Refund
Description: refund-1302981491-157659

Please let us know if you have additional questions on this process.

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Thanks for the replys every one.
And yes i do see the right information in the Listing Enhancement Performance page now I just seem to remember it being an instant thing but it all seems to be working as intended now just abit worrying when you have to spend your money wisely. I know there are some different views on the listing enhancements I have tried them before with out much luck but this time I am very confident this particular home page listing will have an over all positive impact on my stores visibility and should be good at promoting the product its self well fingers crossed any way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

If by "stuck listings" you mean listings with Product Listing Enhancements in "charging, cannot edit" state, these have not yet been addressed. We will address as soon as we are able.

The Commerce Team

In the interest of "bumping up the rate of communication" .. exactly what is stopping you and your team from being able to address this issue? What specific tasks on your Task List are of higher priority than putting a stop to improperly charging your Customers for a service that is not being rendered? And why is the resetting of the condition(s) that causes this error to be reported of such intricate complexity that it cannot be manually cleared thus allowing your Customers to regain full use of the service?

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Just to clarify: I work with Eltee Statosky (Luskwood Creatures) who previously mentioned that as of Nov. 5 (and now Nov. 6) - that yes we still have 6 "stuck listings" and this means "Charging, cannot edit.."


I did try contacting Support, and they said they couldn't do anything abut the issue.  (I'm *not* trying to be cynical, but outright, it seems that Support's task is only to tell residents where the knowledge base is, or to say no.  It appears that there's very little if anything they can actually resolve -- mostly by policy.)

It's a little tough to swallow.. When a group or online entity depends on their sales (marketplace, etc) pays upwards of the 'high three digits, almost four' per month for sims, land, listing and other LL services, and has no real "support" avenue, it does become a little bit "frustrating", yes.

The six stuck items of ours happen to be some of our top sellers. So we're at a bit of a disadvantage here. I'm sure that they could be manually reset, but i'm also sure that "policy" doesn't permit that to happen. (Because 'if they did it for one, that'd set precedent and they'd have to do it for everyone'.) -- I get that on some level (and things like this seem to be mired in 'policy' lately) - but really, even if it took a while, what's so wrong with resetting these manually, so that customers (real, paying ones; these listings are not free after all) can continue about their business and then the dev team can work on the problem that caused it without interference?

I suppose the frustrating facets of this are:

-The issue has gone unchanged for a number of months

-Support can't provide a resolution or assistance.

-The JIRA about it has been marked 'inactive' and cannot be commented on, nor is status being updated there.

-Don't get me wrong, I DO appreciate the update and communication here but, "watch the release notes, it'll be fixed at some point" could mean another several months.

...Even if it took, I don't know, a week or two to get to -- just, a side note and suggestion to Commerce Linden here: Couldn't you guys set up a way that we could file a ticket for this and have them manually reset when you guys can get to it? It just seems there has to be some way to implement a short term amelioration versus waiting for this to bubble to the top of the priority list (which may take a very long time)...

It just seems like the best way forward for everyone? Of course I'm not on that side of the fence -- but it's likely pretty different from inside-of-LL preception on the 'rezi' side of things, too.


Anyways, in short:  The response is appreciated, it's good to know that this is still 'actively' being worked on (I was under the impression it had been resolved) - but, as paying customers, could we may be get thrown a bone and get some sort of short term help, even if it takes manual intervention, as it has been -quite- a long time?


Respectfully (but frustrated)

Michi Lumin / Luskwood Creatures


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  • 2 weeks later...

Marketplace charged me tree times for ONE product AGAIN

I only have two Subscriptions active:

*::TD::* Perfect Rounded Nails HUD Feature this item on the home page (L$2,899 every 30 days) November 18, 2012 December 18, 2012 active

Trendy Dolls Nail Vendor Feature this item on the landing page for category: Avatar Appearance > Avatar Components > Cosmetic Enhancements > Nail Polish (L$999 every 30 days) October 20, 2012 November 19, 2012 active

As you can see, one is for L$2,899 and the other one for L$999


Destination: Commerce Linden MKT2 Subscription
Description: Order #1308594689

Destination: Commerce Linden MKT2 Subscription
Description: Order #1308556604

Commerce Linden
MKT2 Subscription
Description: Order #1308367471

So sorry to keep you waiting. We'll be right back!
We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.
Continue shopping

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Still have six listing enhancements stuck in "Charging now, cannot edit" -- for 3 months now.  Filed a ticket, customer support said there's nothing they can do about it; and that "dev team is aware" (I'm not so sure they are) -- This doesn't seem to be being actively pursued/addressed any longer?


I'm also getting the "So sorry to keep you waiting..." message very often.

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I can't see my orders -- I can see in transactions I am being billed for enhancments but I can't see which ones. I thought I had cancelled all of them but two are left other than the 19 left stuck "charging" forever -- but don't know if those are the ones being charged.

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Marketplace advertisements appear to be modelled after magazine subscriptions from hell.

You could have sworn you cancelled only to find that you're subscribed to 10 other magazines and a something-of-the-month-club.

The only thing missing is for LL to have the power to put non payment on your credit report.

I'm waiting for the results of the investigation into these bugs...

We're sorry, not only can we not manually change the active/inactive flag of these advertisements, the machines have locked us out and decided to take over the world. We don't know why the machines like to eat your virtual currency as they really have no need of currency, but there it is.

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This is getting just a -little- ridiculous at this point...  Six listings, stuck in "Charging, cannot edit.." -- *two months* even after acknowledgement of the problem.

Can somebody, anybody, on the LL side tell me if this is even still being actively worked on? Or are these listings just simply going to be stuck in this state forever?  Do we need to remove, and remake the listings on our end? Would this even fix it?

Support keeps telling me its a "dev issue that is known and being worked on."

That's been -- a long time.


It appears that some of our listings have been 'stuck' this way since late July/August.

Support keeps saying "Support cannot help you with this issue". If they can't, and nothing's going on here - who can?

Please, even just a status update, CommerceTeam Linden?

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Michi Lumin wrote:

This is getting just a -little- ridiculous at this point...  Six listings, stuck in "Charging, cannot edit.." -- *two months* even after acknowledgement of the problem.

Can somebody, anybody, on the LL side tell me if this is even still being actively worked on? Or are these listings just simply going to be stuck in this state forever?  Do we need to remove, and remake the listings on our end? Would this even fix it?

Support keeps telling me its a "dev issue that is known and being worked on."

That's been -- a long time.

It appears that some of our listings have been 'stuck' this way since late July/August.

Support keeps saying "Support cannot help you with this issue". If they can't, and nothing's going on here - who can?

Please, even just a status update, CommerceTeam Linden?

Oh! Can I say the the words? Please let me say the words...

We are investigating. Can we interest you in a new category?

On a more or less serious note, I took this question to my desktop oracle and paperweight, the Magic 8-Ball.

M8-B says: "Don't count on it".

Also, not that I put  much stock in omens but after forgetting to turn the television off last night, this morning I woke up to Forrest Gump.



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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

On a more or less serious note, I took this question to my desktop oracle and paperweight, the Magic 8-Ball.

M8-B says: "Don't count on it".


Priceless!!!  The ole Magic 8-Ball was such fun.  What does it have, like 6 responses?  Come to think of it, that's about as many possible responses as....ohhhh...I don't know.  ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

December 13. Here we are, 6 months in since this problem began in July. The last 'movement' on this issue was 2 months ago, October 8.

I understand things taking a while but this is a bit ridiculous. And I understand that our merchant account may be an 'exception' but there is no way whatsoever to bring attention to this issue or have it manually resolved.

Messages to Commerce Linden have gone ignored; JIRAs are getting closed and support tickets are closed.

But this is still a very real continuing problem that probably would take a DBA a few minutes to fix; whether it's removing or changing some records. I can't understand this.

Got told by support (again), to create a new JIRA on this issue (again), which will probably be closed due to duplicate (again) and not be addressed (again) due to the original JIRAs (and this thread) being ignored.

It seems, that if at this point, your listing enhancements are stuck in "Charging right now, cannot edit" -- this is a permanent condition and will likely stay this way for the forseeable future.


... All I want is for these listings to be 'unstuck'.

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I just want to say that I am beyond disappointed in how issues are being taken care of by LL and the SLM team.

For over 6 months I can not look at the SLM account/orders page because then I get this:

So sorry to keep you waiting. We'll be right back!

We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly." Yeah I am waiting for it for 6 months now!

Listing enhancements are stuck in a uneditable limbo also for months and on top of that active enhancements are being canceled on it's own without any confirmation or action by me the accountholder/merchant. The SLM website is almost 2 years online and still it borked and unreliable. Give me one good reason why I should still trust LL with my money on that website? And this is on top of a lot of other existing SLM issues such as fake and manipulated reviews and ratings and other bad merchant behaviour like selling other peoples creations without approval... as anyone can sell and call themself a merchant. A few days ago I saw a merchant that copy/pasted an entire listing of mine and I can not even communicate with the SLM team about it, besides unrelevant flagging options without a commentbox to clarify the flagging action. So I then have to file a DMCA for a listing description, a DMCA team that ignores letters from oversees and only accept fax-DMCA's. And then still good chance they wont do a thing about it., besides that I am done filing DMCA's, dealing with them pisses me more of then the actual IP theft.

You LL are asking jackpot prices and fees for virtual land while I could buy a frikkin tripleA server myself for the same price as 1 month region fees, at the same time inworld commerce is pretty much ruined by LL and in return we have a commerce site that we can't trust or rely on + that the site is still inferior to the original SL-Exchange that also had a dedicated team that was always on top of every issue, a team that communicated with the users on a daily basis.

And when I contact support after being very patient to complain about the issues I am being shoved off with a link to this forum and the other half of my ticket unanswered and unsolved. 

You LL are a joke. Lets face it you have missed the boat and SL will eventually die a slow death. There were plenty of oppertunities to make SL big, but the arrogant vision of the old CEO's and the shareholders took the paying residents for granted and they were pretty much ignored and just milked as much as possible. You were so arrogant that you focussed on bringing in companies into SL while they did not want anything do with your virtual experiment instead of focussing on the endusers and the merchants/creators in SL, the ones that bring in the real money. Thinking back at the huge pile of drama we had to endure with contenttheft and LL leaving the creators out in the cold for years, where we had to deal with a just as arrogant DMCA team that were unwilling to help creators in distress other then the strict legal conditions they had to obey to cover LL's own ass. Over the years I have a huge list of disappointments regarding LL's business practice and their priorities and there comes a time when it is enough.

I am personally done putting any more time and effort into SL and spending my money on your dated and overpriced virtual environment. The experiment is over.

Merry  Xmas.

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