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I brought a friend into secondlife, and my friend tp'd into morris welcome center with me, and a person was there wearing a gpu crasher.   After over an hour of not being able to do anything, my friend left second life without ever leaving the welcome center.  I contacted direct support b/c im a premium member, and of course they said "file an abuse report."

But seriously?  Don't you guys even care that new people are being crashed in the welcome areas by people wearing devices they are not supposed to have there?  etc.??? 

Could you at least do the courtesy of investigating it?  I mean that's the one person I talked to about sL and how great it was, and we could not even get out of the welcome center box.  What is going on?  You guys?  Seriously you need a staffer of some sort there to make sure noobs dont get abused like that... good god.  I can tell you this much, my friend may not ever come back.  A loss to sL and my friend, and to me.

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You can click on help and Report the abuse to the abuse team from your viewer. .. This can be frustrating I know. But you can always help your self by opening preferences and change your log in Location so that you do not log back in to the same region being griefed

Sorry to hear you all went thru that , It blows

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You know, sometimes people get into griefer things like say arguments or if someone is banned and seeking retaliation.

It is a mystery why welcome centers are full of people who are there just to act like retards. What do they gain by crashing others or rezzing things like penises all over the place? I was at a track with two friends and we were playing this race game where if you took three hits to the back bumper your car exploded. Good fun. But soon some griefer was there and rezzed their "junk" everywhere.

With detecting who has the GPU bombs, how would one even do that? I mean if you crash you cannot really investigate at the moment.

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I honestly think Linden Lab has lost the war with griefers.. I would assume thats why they let 30% of the staff go...so now.. they are just trying to save every last penny they can get before they take second life off line.. and at the rate it's going.. I don't see second life being around much longer.. who in their right mind wants to invest into a game.. griefers control?! Abuse Reports are useless... how can Linden Lab expect a hand full of people to investigate 100's if not 1000's of abuse reports every single day?!.. this is why nothing gets done.  I think they should sell security items at every welcome area...that way people would at least have a chance to protect themselves.. Linden Lab isn't going to help protect anyone.

Big sign reads... Welcome to Second Life... don't forget to BUY protection items.

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Rodvik wonders how to keep new users yet the first places a new person gets into sl are some of the worst places in sl..

hmm where would be my main focus if i were worried about keeping new users?

*thinks*  *Thinks some more while scratching her head* hmmm...................OH!! i know!!

maybe where they get their first impressions?


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With detecting who has the GPU bombs, how would one even do that? I mean if you crash you cannot really investigate at the moment.

The ones I have seen you can pretty much see them comming. They will be carrying an object that somehow flashes a bright color. when they get close to you is when it gets large and covers your whole screen then your game crashes... It is hard to catch them . But it can be done from a distance. The last one I caught it took 4 logins lol

They will be running around to make sure they get close to everyone and nail them. Logging into the region far away then sneaking close anough to find him is how I did it


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Welcome Centres are awful. SL has many wonderful places to tp a new friend to. Why not try again, and take them to a quiet forest. Or anywhere away from the kind of idjits who find that lording it over 5-minute-old residents gives their life meaning. Explore SL, find a lovely place away from the hubbub, and take your friend there. And be happy :)

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

You know, sometimes people get into griefer things like say arguments or if someone is banned and seeking retaliation.

It is a mystery why welcome centers are full of people who are there just to act like retards. What do they gain by crashing others or rezzing things like penises all over the place? I was at a track with two friends and we were playing this race game where if you took three hits to the back bumper your car exploded. Good fun. But soon some griefer was there and rezzed their "junk" everywhere.


Griefers love to hit people who have no possible defense against them, don't know what hits them, and thus get the most upset. Those same people also don't know how to file ARs, or even that there's anything to file (many will think they just signed up for something that's fundamentally broken, that it's a problem with their viewer or the server rather than some **bleep** trying to crash the sim).

Some of them do so because they get a kick out of hurting people, others are I know for a fact payed by competitors to hurt SL (and other companies, most any online community I've ever been a part of has them) and drive customers away.

Same purpose as served by the constant flood of "SL is dead" posts, and signs in world in sims and peoples' profiles telling users to quit SL and go to XXX (whatever the creator/owner of the sign is promoting).




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I really don't understand people like that, honestly what do they gain from being like that? I never really understood it at all. They obviously live increadibly mundane lives to have to annoy people over the internet to get their kicks.

Though you shouldn't be so angry with Linden Labs, you think about the amount of people within SL and the ratio to people who are there to help out, I'm sure they are overwhelmed with issues and not that they don't want to help you and your friend.

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I must be doing something right, going to the right places as I have yet to exsperience any sort of griefing in my 7 months. 

I go club hopping, shopping and general exploring, but the welcome hubs, info hubs is one place I have no desire to hang out at. Way to many people that think they are interesting, but really have nothing to hold my interest. 

I knew immediatly when I started SL that I should move away from those areas as they looked like trouble to me just based on all the people hanging around and what was obvious troll talk (you know it when you see it).

It's like RL, if you go to bad places, bad things are going to happen. You have to pay attention to your surroundings and be aware. I know grievers can be anywhere, anytime, but being on guard can save you a lot of grief.

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Coco Pheocene wrote:

I really don't understand people like that, honestly what do they gain from being like that? I never really understood it at all. They obviously live increadibly mundane lives to have to annoy people over the internet to get their kicks.

Though you shouldn't be so angry with Linden Labs, you think about the amount of people within SL and the ratio to people who are there to help out, I'm sure they are overwhelmed with issues and not that they don't want to help you and your friend.

i dunno Coco .. back in the 90s tho .. when my brothers were litl .. they would use these cheetah chat chat bots to crash yahoo chatrooms .. they thot it was hilarious .. so yeah .. ther r ppl who just get some kinduv kick outuv booting ppl & messing up others fun .. its so common that i guess its just partuv human nature



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Sithiaven wrote:

I must be doing something right, going to the right places as I have yet to exsperience any sort of griefing in my 7 months. 

im nearly 13 months in SL Sithiaven & iv not seen any serious griefing either .. so i think youre right .. just staya way from places wher griefers do their thing



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First of all I'm going to echo what someone else said, why in hell would you take a new person to a Welcome Center?!?!?   It's not like there is really anything to do or see at one of them.  And it's pretty well know they are a favorite hang out for griefers, not to mention the general lag fest they are.  And even if LL payed someone to sit 24/7/365 at the Welcome Centers, the griefers would just move else where.  There are after all around 30,000 SIMs.

Secondly, I'm just not up to doing searches this morning, but maybe someone has the info at their fingertips.  The subject of GPU bombs has come up before and if I recall there were JIRA's about the "loop hole" that allowed people to create them and I thought that had been fixed.  I could be wrong about it being fixed, but I know it's come up before.

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Perrie Juran wrote:


Secondly, I'm just not up to doing searches this morning, but maybe someone has the info at their fingertips.  The subject of GPU bombs has come up before and if I recall there were JIRA's about the "loop hole" that allowed people to create them and I thought that had been fixed.  I could be wrong about it being fixed, but I know it's come up before.

Thats what I thought also, I think that should have been updated a couple of rollouts ago. But you never know when they find a new one

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Perrie Juran wrote:

First of all I'm going to echo what someone else said, why in hell would you take a new person to a Welcome Center?!?!?   It's not like there is really anything to do or see at one of them.  And it's pretty well know they are a favorite hang out for griefers, not to mention the general lag fest they are.  And even if LL payed someone to sit 24/7/365 at the Welcome Centers, the griefers would just move else where.  There are after all around 30,000 SIMs.

Secondly, I'm just not up to doing searches this morning, but maybe someone has the info at their fingertips.  The subject of GPU bombs has come up before and if I recall there were JIRA's about the "loop hole" that allowed people to create them and I thought that had been fixed.  I could be wrong about it being fixed, but I know it's come up before.

when i 1st came 2 sl i was @ this british place .. like a library or museum or something .. i walked thru it & it had stuff to reada bout how to walk & how to fly .. it was boring but there was no1 else there .. when i read that i could fly i wanted out .. so that i could flya round .. but i couldnt find a way out .. so i just opened search & saw the LLCC party was going on so i TPed there .. & was flying around .. & thats where i met my sisters !!

as for GPU bombs .. im not sure how they work .. but i dont see how they could be prevented .. cuz they must work like GPU stress testers .. only they apply stress all @ once rather than gradually .. i would think they could fry ppls GPUs !!



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Just another echo of what everyone else has said.

I was fortunate when I began SL to know someone who teleported me from Help Island (or wherever I began years ago) right to his sim.  The only times I've been in "Welcome" hubs is when I've logged in, my home location is unavailable, and I'm dumped into one of them.  I immediately tp out to someplace else...anyplace else.  The one time I purposely went to one of the hubs was when a group I was in did a one-week experiment.  Each of us changed our avatar from our "norm" to something we wouldn't necessarily choose to see (a) how others interacted with that avatar look and (b) how we felt within the avatar.  I chose to be a furry for a week.  (Others chose being in a wheelchair, being a child AV, a female chose male, white AV chose to be African-American, etc.)  One night we went on a "field trip" as a group and one of the places selected was one of the notoriously worst hubs.  As soon as my feet hit the ground there I was being called a "Fur F#g."  Nice.

I agree I would find a wonderful sim and explain that most of SL is not like the welcome hubs.

As a sidenote, except for said hubs, I haven't experienced griefing in years.  Back in the day, many sims were hit with griefers - one of the most popular forms being spammed with monkey heads or flying pen1s textures, so imo, there is less griefing in SL now.  Or maybe it's just where I hang out...or don't. ;)

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


Secondly, I'm just not up to doing searches this morning, but maybe someone has the info at their fingertips.  The subject of GPU bombs has come up before and if I recall there were JIRA's about the "loop hole" that allowed people to create them and I thought that had been fixed.  I could be wrong about it being fixed, but I know it's come up before.

Thats what I thought also, I think that should have been updated a couple of rollouts ago. But you never know when they find a new one

"But you never know when they find a new one."

I hope not but yes it could be.



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Sithiaven wrote:

I must be doing something right, going to the right places as I have yet to exsperience any sort of griefing in my 7 months. 

I go club hopping, shopping and general exploring, but the welcome hubs, info hubs is one place I have no desire to hang out at. Way to many people that think they are interesting, but really have nothing to hold my interest. 

Just go to any public sandbox to build something or whatever for more than about half an hour and you'll get hit by at least one of them...

Same with any of the newbie friendly help/orientation sims on the destination guide. I work as a helper at some of them, most get several griefers a day, but at one they're at times banning several each hour. Seems timezone dependent as well, highest density comes during the US afternoons (European night, Asian morning). Could indicate they're mostly concentrated in certain geographic areas.


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Buy this and wear it it will help stop grapihcs card crashers from your account/screen may not always work but forst the most common ones I know of it works.

Yes LL does ban these type of griefers it just takes more time than what it would if a user was griefing a sim owner who knows Lindens or something.

Graphics Card Crashers, are just prims made with Asset ID's, Twisted, Sculpetd, maybe mesh now, and exploited to cause a users pc to crash, they do take awhile to make a good one sometimes, and generally they are not illegal to make or have because anything can crash a very slow computer even something that doesn't crash mine for example. The problem however is the abuse with such tools against residents like in Welcome or SandBox areas then yes that is bad and it needs to be dealt with.

The problem is however is that LL bans one account a griefer just makes another account as it isn't that hard to get a new IP address through RDP, VPN,Proxy,VPS, spoof hardware ID's or such.

I have asked LL a lot to improve verification methods such as Phone Number verification like Google Requires, Credit Card information, ETC.  The problem however is that other countries might have problems verify such information, and in that case all they would have to do is not  require this information for current accounts already created but require this information for all newly created accounts, and maybe even require ID for them this would prevent a lot of griefing and even those accounts made currently for griefing would eventually get banned by LL and numbers would drop.

Problem is how many people are working for LL, and when can we get some support ); I know a lot of people getting griefed lately even people I know and while I am not playing much myself right now I feel bad for the people I know getting griefed because I know they have done nothing.

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The thing with noobs getting crashed by GPU crashers or other things is - a noob has no clue whatis or has happened.

If someone has a host helping them thru the initial weirdness of SL it is good but if someone comes in dead alone not knowing anything and hasn't even had a chance to say, "how do I make money?" and here they crash, they don't know JACK about what happened.

It is hard for us to remember the initial confusion of being in SL but if you can put yourself in a noob's shoes when you knew nothing except you were a goofy character on this place full of weird looking people, you get the idea.

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I have been here just over a month and rented a 2 floor building in Acropolis .I have always had trouble contacting the landlords about issues they never reply .I could never rez in the building .I repeatly requested the issue be rectified , yet again never a reply .Yesterday I decided to drop the lease even though I had paid well ahead .This morning I logged in and arrived in my building to find two other avis had set up home .I was promptly ejected from the building before I could ask what was going on.

The landlord owes me about 4to 5000L in outstanding rent , they have abused the lease by renting even though I gave formal notice via their hippo rent machine. I still have approximately 2 weeks left in rent on the top floor of the building and 3 weeks left on the ground floor so any advice from you guys would be appreciated as to how to handle the issue would be appreciated   yours a homeless avi Gaius

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