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need more groups

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I disagree, I only belong one group per store that i shop at.  I am also a club owner with one group and i have a family group.  My bf has a family group and i still run out of groups.  For those of us that work and shop at different stores that require a tag to get the discounts we run out of groups.  For the spaming deactivate the notes and you will not get spam. I also employe several dj's that work at more than one club and they are also asking me to send them a tag when they dj.  It could be an option for those of us who will like more groups. 42 is not enough when you run your sl like a rl and have to have the groups to stay informed and run our enterpises too.

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I would also like to be able to join more groups. If they did increase how many we could join it wouldn't mean that you have to join more groups, but I think it would be great to have the option if we so choose. I do quite a bit of shopping, going to clubs, and have friends with their own place and so need to be part of various groups. I recently went to join a store group and was told I was at my limit. I went into my groups and left one, then later realized I shouldn't have left that one and ended up rejoining it (after leaving a different group). The shopping groups allow you to get notices about specials, slapping MM boards, getting discounts, etc. The club groups allow you to be notified about their events and to join their contests. Lastly and obviously, the ones that your friends have for their place allows you to visit them without getting kicked out, lol. It amazes me how quickly and easily you reach the limit of 42, so if LL could change the limit or perhaps the sub-group as others have suggested, I think it would be great!  :matte-motes-smile:

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

I think having more groups would be great. As a shopper, I constantly have to leave a group just to join another. I cannot imagine what the problem of having an unlimited number of groups might be. 


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MsShy wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

I think having more groups would be great. As a shopper, I constantly have to leave a group just to join another. I cannot imagine what the problem of having an unlimited number of groups might be. 


I think we were all very grateful when group limits wee raised from 25 to 42.


What we don't see is the load it creates on the servers.  It is more than just a 'list in your profile.'  All the switches for all your permissions need to be switched on.  Group chat needs to know that you are there.  Pending notices need to be delivered.  The server needs to know whether or not you get these notices.  So there is a lot more behind the scenes than meets the eyes.

I never thought I'd max out the 42. It did take me a while to get there and I'd love to be able to add  now a few more also.  Hopefully in the future we will be able to.  But as I said I understand  it is more than  a 'list in my profile.'


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So, we have a Member who says that 'People shouldn't join SO many groups' as though it's a moral question, an Advisor who offers 'Four words of advice... "drop the sex groups"', showing that for him it is a moral question, several people who take it upon themselves to answer for Linden Lab that no change is going to happen, a Recognised Helper and various others who agree wtih the OP that the current limit is too low, a suggestion for increasing the functionality of groups, and a technical reason why it would be difficult for LLto raise the limit.

I agree that an increase would be helpful.  I also agree that a functionailty improvement would be useful, but not necessarily as an either/or thing, as sometimes it's not just about having thirteen groups to run one sim, but actually about using different shops, clubs, etc, especially if, as the original poster is, you're a jobbing SL DJ.  I also see that both those options would create an additional data load for LL, with the later also requiring the generation of new code.

However, whilst Moore's law no longer applies, processing power continues to increase, and the general trend for greater capacity, and higher speed, memory and data storage to fall in price has not stopped.  If LL had the budget for 42 groups last time they changed the limit, I think they should not have the money for 60, with more roles, and possibly even the additional functionality that others have requested.

That's my wish-list, but I don't see it happening soon, if ever.  I just hope I'm wrong!

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I think that we need more groups too. I work with a tribute band and also build. I need to be able to join more groups at club that we perform at so I can rez stages for our concerts. Another 20 groups would be very helpful.It would be even nicer to see it go up to 100 some day.

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Wow, there's a lot of this going around lately, and not just on this forum either.


I've been trying to come up with a really good song take-off but failing miserably. I keep trying to go with

"Ohhh, no. Must be the season of the necropost", and that just bites. I think we need something more than Perrie's vultures or Drake's game card. These are just getting out of hand.

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Isle Biedermann wrote:



However, whilst Moore's law no longer applies, processing power continues to increase, and the general trend for greater capacity, and higher speed, memory and data storage to fall in price has not stopped.


Moore also stated in an interview that the law cannot be sustained indefinitely:

"It can't continue forever. The nature of exponentials is that you push them out and eventually disaster happens."

The same could be true for pushing group limits.

Being in a group is not just a simple notation, "You are in the group "Bisexual Furry Skunks Who Cheat On their Partners."  It involves all the functions related to the group.  Group Chat, Inventory Offers, Land Management if land is involved, etc, etc.  It's a more complex function than what I think people often realize on a conscious level.


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  • 8 months later...

We NEED more groups. I am sick and tired of paying L$ to join a group, then having to delete them to make room for others only to re-pay to join again at a later time. Realistically, 100 groups is not too much to ask for.

How about rewriting the code to introduce a universal group tag so that the user can join an unlimited number of groups? This way the user wears one tag to receive group messages or takes it off to not. Much in the same way curently being used, when a user joins or unjoins a group, it is added or removed from a database file. Whichever is more robust and costwise, the users group database files can be stored locally or remotely. By using one universal group tag, the user doesn't need to switch group tags upon entering their favorite place. They only need one tag activated and to be joined to a particular group. This one of my wishes for the future of Second Life. Thanks.

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