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Please come and make friends!

Arielle Simondsen

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I have always wanted to do the family thing in sl, however, my partner is not online often enough to really do that, never mind that he and I are 7-8 hours apart time zone wise.  I am an introvert, so not one to club hop, etc.  So I thought, it might be nice to create a group that any sl women could be a part of, whether they had a family unit or not, no matter their lifestyle in sl, no matter their avi's age.  So I created the Sisterhood of SL.  The group page says this:

Welcoming all women of Second Life.  Join the Official Sisterhood, for an extended family In World.  We shall support, honor, respect, and love one another as a family of sisters.  All women are welcome!  Join us no matter how long you have been in sl, who you are or what you believe.  We are FAMILY!  YES- we welcome you with open arms!

I have always wanted a big group of sisters in rl (I am an only  :P) and/or to be an auntie to younger girls, so this is me putting it out there.  It will hopefully be just a group of sisters who are there for each other.  With hopefully little to no drama.  I'm not a typical girl in rl or sl, having spent most of my rl adulthood around other guys instead of other girls, I don't do the whole female competitive thing, catty thing, etc.  I don't do drama PERIOD.  I spend much of my sl time breeding my small group of horses, working on my creations and hitting the lucky chairs and shopping and such.

I'm not sure how to put a link here for the group.  I will go and see how others have done it, otherwise, in the meantime, if anyone is interested, you can message me in world arielle simondsen and I will add you.  :)

Thanks for reading through my entire long winded post if you have gotten this far.  :)

PS its not a group that requires you do anything, I just set it up as a group so people can see others who want to make friends too.  :)

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