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Do you notice there are a lot of mentally unstable people on SL?

Aiden Rives

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Necro post on a subject that was beat to death for 10 pages.

Just like any huge group of people, there are going to be some mentally unstable people in the group.  However, I've been here 10 years and have had only a few arguments and they weren't over stupid **bleep** .  You must be one of the people off their rocker if you've had so many arguments in this game over the stupidest **bleep**.  Thanks for warning me about you.


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This is the type of people I keep running into. Its like I insulted her personally. 


Why are you so afraid of opinions? 

Why would you need a warning for an opinion?


*scratches head*



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My name is Max. My world is fire. And blood. Once, I was a cop; a road warrior searching for a righteous cause. As the world fell, each of us in our own way was broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy. Me... or everyone else.

Here they come again. Worming their way into the black matter of my brain. I told myself... they cannot touch me. They are all dead.

I am the one who runs from both the living and the dead. Hunted by scavengers. Haunted by those I could not protect. So I exist in this Wasteland. A man reduced to a single instinct: survive.

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Fenra wrote:



Ive noticed this as well. People in this game are off their rocker (probably why trolls love to troll it) . I think I've met maybe a handful of people that weren't so uptight and defensive about everything.

I've had so many arguments in this game over the stupidest **bleep**. I like the game but wow people are **bleep**ing nuts in this. It kind of drives away normal logical people and you're left with the crazies lol.





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Thanks for providing readers with in-thread example. If that's the kind of thing you're reacting to so negatively, it looks like part of the situation is coming from you.

There are a couple of groups I belong to where drama kicks off sometimes. When it does, I just close the group window and carry on with whatever else I'm doing. The vast majority of my interactions are friendly, positive and pleasant.

You might want to look at what you're doing that gets you in so many arguments. Plenty of us go through our SLs without them.

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I do believe there are some mentally unstable people in SL given the way they conduct themselves the majority of people i've met and know have been nice decent people however i do know someone who has developed an unhealthy obsession with me and regularly flouts section 6 of ToS towards me because they have a problem with how i'm able to carry out my SL

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Aiden Rives wrote:

birds of a feather, birds of a feather.

It's alright. I'm leaving SL. You guys are right I don't belong here. bye, enjoy your second life.

As long as we're making generalizations about people and SL, I'll offer my observations on how people leave.

The ones who ANNOUNCE they're leaving typically return, usually withing a week.

The ones who THREATEN to leave unless something changes never actuallly leave, no matter how much everyone else wishes they would.

The people who DO leave Second Life?




Good observation Theresa..and I think you 100% correct.

Loved your  'straightjacket' comment too Qie Niangao.


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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Ashy Calcutt wrote:

Right on:matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

Left off

14 month old thread 

   I must be crazy, how did I not notice this! And here is me casually reading through the thread thinking, so many comments and Ive not seen it before. Thanks, Im cured now. 

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it may be true that SL has as its users many that have some certain mental impariments, and/or other type of disabilities, the truth is that people with disabilities exist everywhere, some have ADHD, some are Autistic, some are daltonics, some are blind, from all the people that have a certain form of disability, how many people would be completly free of any impairment? with all possibilities of imperfection, I would say that a minority is completely problems free.

I have known people in SL with certain rl impairemnts, i can confirm that there are SL users like that, they are probably a majority, just as much is a majority in rl, people from all backgrounds come to SL, it would be surprising that everybody would have perfect health.

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  • 11 months later...

         Most people watch television and movies. They watch persons being killed, oppressed, assaulted, and abused.  

In fiction and real life.  Dose that make everyone a psycho or imbalanced . To live in a fantasy world as a animation like Second Life

is safer and more stable and fun.  As for any psycho you can block them and enjoy nice real people's true emotions and desires. 

If not just uninstall Second Life.

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The revival of this may be indirectly my fault :-) I mentioned in another thread that sometimes people who have social interaction issues gravitate to the internet......

Usually a good old Block handles it, but some of them are remarkably well-organized and equipped with Alts that just keep right on coming.....

No good answer to that either as LL can't really police alts. My solution is to cultivate a thicker skin.......it's been unfun for me but better in the long run than tilting at untiltable windmills.

I can't control the sun, but I has plenty of sunblock!

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I didn't read many of the comments (or any really) but I'm just going to put it out there that the whole reason some people (not all) use SL is because they don't have the ability or social skills to interact in the real world. SL is a lot like the real world without DIRE consequences, so people will express this mostly antisocial or 'unstable' behavior when confronted with social situations with other players... I don't know... an observation.

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The best solution to handling people being dumb on SL is to throw as many memes at them as possible and give them what they don't want.

Situation: "Stop camming me!"

Response: "Ayylmao"

Situation: "i will hack you / I have hacker friends / etc"

Response: "good luck I'm behind 7 proxies"

Response: "ok here let me make it easier for you, here is my IP address." (don't do this unless you have adequate security, aka linux and not winholes)

Situation: "prepare to crash / I'm going to crash the sim"

Response: "I would like to refer you to the terms of service which you agreed to when you registered an account with second life that clearly states that you will not attempt to crash users or the server. I highly recommend reconsidering your actions as it may lead to termination of your account." (Also switch to lowest lod, disable glow, and enter wireframe. Report them if they do and watch LL burn their account at the stake)


Never retaliate with threats or actions. Use memes as your artillery and give them what they don't want.

Edited by Chaser Zaks
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