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Paying paying and paying again ...

JfR Darwin

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Since years and years i make several things inside SL, streaming, build educational programm with Europe consortium, tv broadcast , radio show ect .... without any support from SL, never have any discussion or visit by the staff, but no problem i do my road, and continue with my company to blelieve that SL is the best way for experiment Virtual worlds, and just now i need to down one of my homestead island in an openspace and learn that it's cost 100 dollard !!!! it's clearly enought !!! no commercial normal relation, no respect for historical clients i say STOP ! you need to chance your policy !!!! i am upset !!!!! 

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I agree paying out more money does stink, but their policy as far as I know has always been to charge a setup fee for having a new sim set up. In fact for an openspace sim it's $250, so I'm assuming they were giving you a discount on it since you were only having to pay $100. Personally I think it still sucks, I don't think they should have a setup fee at all, I totally agree with you, but it shouldn't be a surprise since these are their normal policies and affect everyone, as a new client or an old client.

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I run about nothing,. The only way to be consider by Linden Lab is by spending day and night in world and spend time to discuss about the color of the avatar's, all the company from my country are going away from SL  upset by this, and by the no feedback and no dialogue with a real commercial services. Real company and people having real money are a key for Second Life. We are solicited every day by open sim project, virtual worlds with viewing on the web etc...  Linden Lab is sleeping ! And one day the dream can be broken, i am not happy if it's arrive, because i am convince that the tech is great, but like all tech, it's a question of how much you can pay for having it , and what is the benefits you have with it ... And of course how many people can enjoy it, with one website or a wall in facebook you have thousand of viewers and it's cost nothing ..... I think that if LL doesn't react and take care to push SL on the web other can do ... it's at this time in progress with cloud party for example ----- And i am always upset to pay feed for nothing !!!!!

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Do you own a cell phone? Do you have a contract with a carrier? If you do, there's a very good chance that it provides for an early termination fee in the event that you want to change to a different carrier or otherwise want out of your contract. It always behooves one to know exacly what's in your contract, service fees, etc., before you sign the dotted line.

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JfR Darwin wrote:

Since years and years i make ...

1) Since years and years no one like money to be paid for SL land.

2) Since years and years we all know how much to pay.

3) Since years and years we all choose to buy or not to buy land.

Just my opinion, of course :)

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JfR Beaumont wrote:

I run about nothing,. The only way to be consider by Linden Lab is by spending day and night in world and spend time to discuss about the color of the avatar's, all the company from my country are going away from SL  upset by this, and by the no feedback and no dialogue with a real commercial services. Real company and people having real money are a key for Second Life. We are solicited every day by open sim project, virtual worlds with viewing on the web etc...  Linden Lab is sleeping ! And one day the dream can be broken, i am not happy if it's arrive, because i am convince that the tech is great, but like all tech, it's a question of how much you can pay for having it , and what is the benefits you have with it ... And of course how many people can enjoy it, with one website or a wall in facebook you have thousand of viewers and it's cost nothing ..... I think that if LL doesn't react and take care to push SL on the web other can do ... it's at this time in progress with cloud party for example ----- And i am always upset to pay feed for nothing !!!!!

Well first, maybe this is just a language barrier, but I don't think i've ever seen anyone sitting in Second Life all day and all night talking about the color of their avatar, so I have no idea what you are referring to there. Second, I doubt very much that every single company in any country is leaving SL because one person has to pay a $100 fee to downgrade. You are right, with a website or facebook, you can get it up for practically nothing, but you are talking about a few pages of code versus operating an entire server. And the reason those sites are free is because they are paid for with advertising. Do you really want to get your sim for free if SL gets to place annoying ads all over your sim to compensate for it? You're asking for a service to be free when clearly it should not be. How would they make money? They should just do it out of the kindness of their heart? I do believe they should cut back on their fees, yes, come more in line with pricing of inWorldz would be nice, but to compare it to the web or facebook and suggest it be free is silly. The bottom line is these fees have been in place a long time ago, people know about them upfront, they aren't a surprise. I don't see what the complaint is for if you knew about it ahead of time and decide pursue the sim anyway but then complain about it later when those fees come out.


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hmm, well, from what I could gather of that - he doesn't like paying for land in SL? Is that what that garble was about?

OK lets assume it was...

Paying for SL land or whatever is NO worse than people paying astronomical prices for cable TV which has programming that sucks. Yet people have no problems paying for TV where they have shows about pawn shops, storage sheds, politicians complaining, reruns from the 90's, and cartoons that have NOTHING but cheezy sexual references that would entertain only a 10 year old who still thinks anatomical words are hilarious

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

hmm, well, from what I could gather of that - he doesn't like paying for land in SL? Is that what that garble was about?


OK lets assume it was...

Paying for SL land or whatever is NO worse than people paying astronomical prices for cable TV which has programming that sucks. Yet people have no problems paying for TV where they have shows about pawn shops, storage sheds, politicians complaining, reruns from the 90's, and cartoons that have NOTHING but cheezy sexual references that would entertain only a 10 year old who still thinks anatomical words are hilarious

Well, I still laugh when ever someone asks where the Islets of Langerhans are.

But to the topic on hand ,I don't think he is complaining so much abut having to pay for land in SL as much as he is the fact he will be charged to downgrade from a Full Region to a Homestead.


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