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Earth changing event

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

[...] why should I try to prove anything to people not able to understand it [...]

I agree with you. It takes a special kind of mind to understand things the way you do. I certainly don't have that kind of mind and I don't think anyone else here has it either. So you're right. We here are incapable of understanding things they way you do.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

What would you do with the proof, LOL, nothing, like I said I will try to predict with out telling you, I will say this , next year the affects will be even greater and most of the coastal area of the USA will be underwater thus ending the America empire.

You heard it here first, folks.

Of course, that's ignoring the fact that other people have been talking about rising sea levels and stronger storms, due to global warming and not some mysterious object, for a long time now.

But at least now we have a timeline. And who cares if it's off by a few months... or a few years... or a few decades? I mean... how many times has the end of the world been predicted? It'll end some day. Just you wait and see. :smileyvery-happy:

Thanks, Nostradamus.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Man made global warming is a myth, every planet is warming because of this large body.

That's odd. We've had what appears to be global warming for a lot of years now - much longer than we've known about it. How long has this thing been in our solar system then? Our space craft take years to reach the edge of our solar system but heavenly bodies, such as stars move through space pretty darned quick as compared to our smail-like space craft. So, if it exists and is causing the global warming, judging by the length of time we've had global warming, shouldn't it have got here by now?

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This object is moving at about the same speed, the last I heard from an astronomer at the south pole was it is moving at a speed of about 30,000 MPH, so has taken years, it is said to be in orbit of the sun with a period of about 3500 years, tree ring data shows that it last passed in 1500 BC, and the affects lasted about 7 years, all empires were destroyed during this period, all trees stopped growing during that time most died out.

oops should have said it can only be seen from the south pole, also over 20 astronomers from the south pole have died in accidents since it was spotted, well all the top ones that were looking for it.

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I`m not attacking you, just stating a fact as you LOL`ed several times with the US coasts being whiped out and offerd me a ticket

So my only conclusion is the fact that you wish alot of americans dead so you can have a laugh


Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Don't most of you live in the USA, LOL, LOL, LOL, work it out.

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Most of the worlds problems come from the American empire and its thirst for greed, like all those that believe in god and things like the rapture, what has always puzzled me is why every other part of the world has very old cultures but that large lump of land called north America had only nomads on it, well seems clear now, it is only stable for a few 1000 years, and is regularly washed, about every 3600 years, check out the sea shells inland, they are only a few thousand years old, so how did they get there? Simple really.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Most of the worlds problems come from the American empire and its thirst for greed, like all those that believe in god and things like the rapture, what has always puzzled me is why every other part of the world has very old cultures but that large lump of land called north America had only nomads on it, well seems clear now, it is only stable for a few 1000 years, and is regularly washed, about every 3600 years, check out the sea shells inland, they are only a few thousand years old, so how did they get there? Simple really.

The more you say the stronger you make my point, wich was the only reason i started posting in here the way i did.

Good luck with your hate issues, but my job is done.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

One only needs to prove something if they want to be recognized for it in the current day, that is not what drives me, what drives me is to make a statement then wait for the rest of the world to catch up, call it a game, because what I am doing is taking away glory from thinkers in the future, because when they do discover the truth they will only find out that it was discovered years in the past and see the reaction it created amongst the people of that day, thus proving that stake burning is a popular sport.


i dont think you need worry about being burned at the stake somehow

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

What would you do with the proof, LOL, nothing, like I said I will try to predict with out telling you, I will say this , next year the affects will be even greater and most of the coastal area of the USA will be underwater thus ending the America empire.

You heard it here first, folks.

Of course, that's ignoring the fact that other people have been talking about rising sea levels and stronger storms, due to global warming and not some mysterious object, for a long time now.

But at least now we have a timeline. And who cares if it's off by a few months... or a few years... or a few decades? I mean... how many times has the end of the world been predicted? It'll end some day. Just you wait and see. :smileyvery-happy:

Thanks, Nostradamus.

I predict SL will end before the Earth does.

(Can I haz my honorary Fortune Teller badge now?)

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

This object is moving at about the same speed, the last I heard from an astronomer at the south pole was it is moving at a speed of about 30,000 MPH, so has taken years, it is said to be in orbit of the sun with a period of about 3500 years, tree ring data shows that it last passed in 1500 BC, and the affects lasted about 7 years, all empires were destroyed during this period, all trees stopped growing during that time most died out.


If as you say there is an object moving near earths orbit of the sun the kepler effect would push that body outwards, due to its mass, long before it could effect anything on Earth. Its a basic rule of planetary physics and you should look it up before you spout other peoples utter rubbish here


oops should have said it can only be seen from the south pole, also over 20 astronomers from the south pole have died in accidents since it was spotted, well all the top ones that were looking for it.


I have searched extensively, and even on conspiracy websites the number is acknowledged as 3 scientists dead since 2000. 1 in Colorado in a canoeing accident, 1 in a industrial accident involving a lathe and long hair in NY and the third of old age in Germany. Only the German was involved in astronomy.

In summation, you are are troll, a funny one, but none the less a troll, and you should prepare your arguments better if you are to be considered successful in your trolling, Good entertainment value that's all this thread is.

No doubt you will reply with more outrageous claims and exaggerations, bundled in a way that makes you appear intellectual or somehow gifted in your knowledge. The world is the world, it will be here in a recognizable form long after you and I are dead, there will be no alien invasions, there will be no true global disasters, there will be no nuclear holocaust, just more of this endlessly plodding day to day existence for 99.999% of us until we die.

Just remember one thing, in life, ultimately the race is against yourself and with threads like this one, you are only putting more obstacles in your way and spending your valuable time proving them wrong with your own words. Good luck, cuase I think you're gonna need it.

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Leia36 wrote:

In summation, you are are troll, a funny one, but none the less a troll, and you should prepare your arguments better if you are to be considered successful in your trolling,
Good entertainment value that's all this thread is.

True, and it's very enjoyable. It really is good entertainment :D

There is quite a strong human tendancy to believe the person in front of us. For instance, it's easy for us to actually believe the person on the podium when s/he says that <something> is right, because of this, this, and this, and those other people are therefore wrong. We tend to accept what the person in front of us says, as long as it makes some sort of reasonable sense. The person in front of us can be in front of us in the flesh, in a book, on the web, on TV, etc.

It's not at all difficult for a person, whose nature is such that it is likely to believe in conspiracy theories whenever someone puts one forward with some sort of persuasive argument, to believe all the oddball ideas that some people come up with, as long as they are accompanied by some sort of persuasive argument. The persuasive facts don't need to be actual facts as long as they are presented as facts. Then such a person actually believes that s/he is party to a truth that most people are ignorant of, and they can believe themselves to be, in a way, superior to most people because they know the truth while the masses are ignorant.

Take those scientists, for instance. Someone told such people that a lot of the scientists who saw the large object have died since it was first seen. Obviously there must be something going on. Nobody is gullible enough to believe that the object itself singled those people out for death, so who or what killed them? The government that wants to keep it secret from the population? Aha! It must be the government. Who else could it be? The large object really is there, and the government is keeping it from us. Now we know the real truth! But in fact a lot of scientists, who were 'in the know', didn't die, so what now? That's just a rumour put about by the government to keep it secret from the population. Not only that, but the government obviously changed records of the deaths to keep it secret. They can do that. But I know the truth.

I just made that up, of course, but it's really not difficult for people whose nature suits it, to believe the most preposterous things, and believe they are in possession of knowledge that the general population doesn't have. They can't prove it, of course, but that doesn't bother them because their nature is such that they really really want it to be true. When asked to show evidence, they make some excuse and don't show any, because the evidence doesn't actually exist. All they have is someone's idea that was presented with a few bits of facts, making the whole thing somewhat persuasive. They can only use bits of facts because whole facts kill their argument.

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