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Earth changing event

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

... poor Saturn is having storms that would kill all humans if happened here


them saturnistas are pretty tough tho. like they been living there since even before earthlings. earthlings on earth. not on saturn

altho i read somewheres that was some earthlings got capped and taken by saturnistas in spaceships. dunno how true it is tho. only might be i think. or not. maybe is just maybe kinda. dunno

q; (:


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In the world of ohms law you don't need to see anything to calculate its affects, you can use the weather changes and times to calculate its angle off approach, and that is to the south of the planet, you can not tell how big it is as its affects are relative to its size and distance, in other words if it is huge then it must be far away, if it is small then it is near, I think it is a brown dwarf far away about 4 times the size of Jupiter so we wont be able to see it yet, but infrared telescopes should be able to see it, if it is a brown dwarf then it will have a cloud of iron oxide around it so hiding it.

As for how the universe first started, this is harder to explain as we are creatures of time and must have a start and end, but it didn't start and wont end it only changes, but didn't you ask the question about photons and how it is when you move your eye a fraction to the left or right you still see a star system billions of miles away therefore implying that the universe must have more photons than there is matter, so I know you think light is a wave, but seeing outside time and space is harder.

As you pointed out in another thread I do get a lot of hostile comments, so not quite sure if you are asking a real question or setting me up for the pack to attack.

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So what makes you think that there's a large, as yet unseen, object approaching us. Show us your calculations and proof please. I ask this because I don't believe for one second that you have the scientific/mathematical ability to come to the conclusion youself. I believe that you've read it somewhere. But you also said you don't believe what you read just because you read it. That's why I ask for the proof that you yourself worked out.

Oddly enough, I think that I'm one of not many people who can and does think outside if time. Not because I have a special ability, but because very few people even try. It just doesn't come up in every day living for the vast majority of people. You seem to be good at remembering what people write here - at least sometimes - so you might remember a very interesting thread not long ago where I described what *I* think of as singularity - not *a* singularity - just singuilarity. That singulaity concept is outside of time. But the concept of outside time has nothing to do with how "creatures" got here.

In another recent post of yours you mentioned that we humans are here to mine gold. It went by without comment but I do know that that idea is one of the ideas espoused by the "ancient aliens" people, who are, of course, fruitcakes. Now, I'm not including you with those idiots, but you do see how great the temptation is to include you with them.



STOP PRESS! You *are* in the 'ancient aliens' group of people. Since I wrote the bulk of this post, you actually, and coincidentally, wrote about the gold mining in your "Creationist" thread. Well, what can I say? Your beliefs realy are based on what other people tell you, and that's totally different to how you portrayed yourself as being for 60 years

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I haven't been abusive to you at all. I've asked you some hard questions, that's all, which you haven't even attempted to answer so far.

You recently wrote that you don't believe anything simply because you read it (i.e. what other people say), which implied that you have to prove something for yourself in order to believe it, and have done so for 60 years. You post some firm beliefs here as statements of facts, and I think it's perfectly fair to ask you to show us the proofs that you've worked out for yourself. If you can't do that, at least show us other people's proofs that persuaded you to believe.

You said you don't believe something just because someone else writes/says it, and I ask you to allow us to do the same. You state alleged facts, we don't believe them just because you state them so, like you, we want proof - at least I do. So show us the proof for the large, as yet unseen, body in our solar system. I'd also like you to show us the proof for your gold mining statement of fact. I know the latter one is from those "Ancient Aliens" fruitcakes but I'll allow that you may have proof of it, and I'd like to see it.

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I keep telling you that for you I give no proof. I will try to predict but I will not tell you how, why should I try to prove anything to people not able to understand it, if you have a theory of your own that defeats mine then say it, if this place was less hostile with a more mature thinker then I may, but lets face it SL is now a porn site and full of porn type people that you would find in any sleazy bar.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I keep telling you that for you I give no proof
. I will try to predict but I will not tell you how, why should I try to prove anything to people not able to understand it, if you have a theory of your own that defeats mine then say it, if this place was less hostile with a more mature thinker then I may

Then provide proofs for everyone else.

The truth is that you have no proofs for the things you state as facts. All you have is what other people say, specifically those "Ancient Aliens" fruitcakes. You are unable to predict anything from your own thinking/calculations. The best you can do is restate other people's predictions that you've read or been told. That's right, isn't it? So far, all your dates have been proved wrong, because they came and went without your predictions materialising, although they weren't your dates were they? They were dates that other people predicted, weren't they?

There are some people here who are clearly able to understand the calculations that prove your 'facts'. Show them the proofs if you have any, or point them to other people's proofs, even though the rest of us "are unable to understand" in your opinion. They'll confirm what you claim if what you claim is true.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Soooo... You can spout out whatever nonsense you like without proof and when people ask for proof you wave them off with the excuse that they're "not able to understand it".

Tell me. Where can I join this Cult of Lucinda?

You fool... don't you understand that you have to be Lucinda to join Lucinda?


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I keep telling you that for you I give no proof.

why should I try to prove anything to people not able to understand it,

Tells me everything I need to know about this thread. My time, certainly, is more valuable than wading through Internet-peoples' Timecube-style wild speculation.

The Burden of Proof

I hope this helps you define your point.

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I'm not actually trying to debate it with her. I know what she is and I'm trying to show it without actually posting exactly what she is. I think I've been quite successful too. She's done as she always does - refuse to provide any sort of proof or evidence because she doesn't have any. As I said, I know what she is :)

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One only needs to prove something if they want to be recognized for it in the current day, that is not what drives me, what drives me is to make a statement then wait for the rest of the world to catch up, call it a game, because what I am doing is taking away glory from thinkers in the future, because when they do discover the truth they will only find out that it was discovered years in the past and see the reaction it created amongst the people of that day, thus proving that stake burning is a popular sport.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

One only needs to prove something if they want to be recognized for it in the current day, that is not what drives me, what drives me is to make a statement then wait for the rest of the world to catch up, call it a game, because what I am doing is taking away glory from thinkers in the future, because when they do discover the truth they will only find out that it was discovered years in the past and see the reaction it created amongst the people of that day, thus proving that stake burning is a popular sport.

...Congratulations in advance? Although I am reminded of those thousand monkeys with typewriters.

I imagine you'll get one right eventually.

Good luck to you though, I have certainly noticed that you enjoy the heat.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

What would you do with the proof, LOL, nothing, like I said I will try to predict with out telling you, I will say this , next year the affects will be even greater and most of the coastal area of the USA will be underwater thus ending the America empire.

LMAO! I don't need to wait until next to know exactly what that prediction is ;)

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