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Earth changing event

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I heard a broadcast on the Republic Broadcasting Network by john Moore, that the large body that lucinda talked about here some months ago is real and about to get very close and pass us, causing the pole to shift a bit and huge waves will go many miles inland at a height of 400 feet, he also says many coastal bases are being evacuated this week and next week, I live in the UK I have heard troops have trained for evacuating London in October.


Seems many people are confirming what lucinda said here many months ago, what do you all think and those that live in the US, is it true are bases near the coast being evacuated?

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People who sit around and think the world is gonna end this year better hope it happens.

When this year is gone, I wonder what people are going to say? "Oh no, I never said the word was gonna end"

Wishful thinking on the part of those who hate the world we live in. On a bad note tho - my poor little avatar is now scared that a comet is gonna destroy the earth. Thank you very much  :matte-motes-angry:


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Sorry think you replied in the wrong place, nothing about the end of the world was said, were did you read that or have you made it up, read the thread again and reply on the info given.

As for wanting the end of the world, no i was asking about bases on the east and west coast, i take it you know nothing of that and just wanted to add a dream you had once, yes?

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OK let me put this in perspective for ya

Imagine that this forum was high school and you the kid at the back of the gym raised your hand and asked the same question. So what would happen? You would be laughed at, just like here. Don't get defensive, just get real.

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No, if you do the math then we are not affected that much the usa is moving south we are just twisting, the sea level at the equator is about 500 feet higher than the poles, so if the USA moves south towards the equator then they could see a 500 foot rise in sea level, here in the uk we just twist a bit south west so no more than a foot or 2, the main worry is how fast it moves, it it is a jolt then we could all get tidal waves, but if gradual then we wont, if you look at the north pole which is moving it suggest it will be gradual, so the USA will see a slow rise in sea level and have to move to higher ground, the dissinfo gang are making out it extreme so to discredit it all.


I might add that lucinda talked of the planet crossing the sun's equator as being the time of greatest stress on the planet depending where the moon is, wel we are about to pass though the sun's equator, so could see large earthquakes that could make the planet jolt a bit, as lucinda no longer shares info with this forum we will have to just guess.

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:


When this year is gone, I wonder what people are going to say? "Oh no, I never said the word was gonna end"


The typical response is to move the date following some sort of appology for a misunderstanding or miscalculation of some key piece of information.  But this time, we are assured, they got it right and the date of doom is.....

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Don't think it will hit, it is the affects on the orbits, the earth orbit right now has been pulled south a bit, so the affects are already happening, the jetstream has twisted because of this, it is just a case of how long this continues tree ring data says about 7 years, old writtings including the bible say 7 years and old chinese records say about 7 years, the last time it happen was 3639 years ago, so nothing like what happened 64 million years ago, this has a 3639 year cycle, check tree ring data.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

No, if you do the math then we are not affected that much the usa is moving south we are just twisting, the sea level at the equator is about 500 feet higher than the poles, so if the USA moves south towards the equator then they could see a 500 foot rise in sea level, here in the uk we just twist a bit south west so no more than a foot or 2, the main worry is how fast it moves, it it is a jolt then we could all get tidal waves, but if gradual then we wont, if you look at the north pole which is moving it suggest it will be gradual, so the USA will see a slow rise in sea level and have to move to higher ground, the dissinfo gang are making out it extreme so to discredit it all.


I might add that lucinda talked of the planet crossing the sun's equator as being the time of greatest stress on the planet depending where the moon is, wel we are about to pass though the sun's equator, so could see large earthquakes that could make the planet jolt a bit, as lucinda no longer shares info with this forum we will have to just guess.

You have to do more than math. Your math must be based on some knowledge of the situation. Your claim that tectonic plate drift towards the equator would submerge the North American Plate under the ocean completely ignores the physics that explains why the Earth is an ellipsoid and not a sphere. The drifting plates are floating on the Earth's core, just as the water is floating on the Earth. As a plate drifts towards the equator, it will move away from the Earth's center, as dictated by rotational inertia. The physics of this was well understood by the early 1800's.

There will, of course, be gradual changes in sea level caused by changes in mean global temperature and local landform distortions. The time scale for this tectonic drift is measured in the millions of years, which places any changes well beyond our horizon of interest. The time scale for climate change is considerably shorter.

If there were even the slightest alteration in the orbital trajectory of any of the planets, a great many amateur astronomers, including me, would be making a great deal of noise right now. One of my robotic telescopes was built in 1997, using ephemeris data of the day. It is now 15 years old and continues to find celestiall objects with pinpoint accuracy. If there had been even the slightest perturbation in Earth's orbit, my telescope would reveal it. There are thousands of amateur astronomers around the world using such telescopes and all of them would be thrilled to discover anything amiss.

So, I have direct first-hand evidence that the Earth is orbiting exactly as predicted 15 years ago. There is no reason for me to guess in Lucinda's absense, I have now, as I had then, all the tools I need to discount her claims as wild imagineering.


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sorry got as far as the bit about " Your claim that tectonic plate drift towards" and stopped reading, now could you please tell me were and when i said that, this has nothing to do with plates, this is about a brown dwaft near us, millions of miles away and has nothing at all to do with plates, it is very hard to hold a chat here with people that just invent things i say, please read it again. This has nothing to do with plates or anything like that, this is a about a brown dwaft that can't be seen, millions of miles away passing us and affecting the orbits of all the planets as it passes, so all you out here that think this is end of world crap or moving plates are not reading it, this is about a small shift in the orbits as a result of this brown dwarf being near by and passing us every 3639 years.



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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

sorry ot as far as the bit about " Your claim that tectonic plate drift towards" and stopped reading, now could you please tell me were and when i said that, this has nothing to do with plates, this is about a brown dwaft near us, millions of miles away and has nothing at all to do with plates, it is very hard to hold a chat here with people that just invent things i say, please read it again.

The problem is that when you have no knowledge of the science underpinning the world you inhabit, it's quite true that you don't know what you are saying. You are the one inventing things. You've claimed that the US will not only drift south, but drift closer to the center of the Earth. You don't understand that you said that because you don't understand the Earth's physics.

Here is a direct quote from you "the earth orbit right now has been pulled south a bit". As I stated, I have recent and direct observational evidence that this is false. Saturn and Mars are precisely where my telescope expected them to be, using orbital data that's at least 15 years old. If some odd object is approaching our solar system and upsetting Earth's orbit, it would also be upsetting the orbits of the other planets and my telescope would no longer be able to predict their location accurately using data that predates the arrival of your imagined object. My telescope continues to operate flawlessly. That's all the proof I need that you are wrong.

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No, if you do the math then we are not affected that much the usa is moving south we are just twisting, the sea level at the equator is about 500 feet higher than the poles, so if the USA moves south towards the equator then they could see a 500 foot rise in sea level, here in the uk we just twist a bit south west so no more than a foot or 2, the main worry is how fast it moves, it it is a jolt then we could all get tidal waves, but if gradual then we wont, if you look at the north pole which is moving it suggest it will be gradual, so the USA will see a slow rise in sea level and have to move to higher ground, the dissinfo gang are making out it extreme so to discredit it all.


I might add that lucinda talked of the planet crossing the sun's equator as being the time of greatest stress on the planet depending where the moon is, wel we are about to pass though the sun's equator, so could see large earthquakes that could make the planet jolt a bit, as lucinda no longer shares info with this forum we will have to just guess.


If you don't want someone to mistake what you say then be clear!

Also the magnetic poles are constantly moving being a pilot I have to know where true north is in order to chart a flight. All flight charts must be updated because of it. The poles will eventually shift completely, north will be south and visa versa. But it aint happening over night.

Oh and as far as that huge turd coming at us, I do hope it hits your freaking house!

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I say stop the worrying about near earth objects at and put a rocket powered table tennis bat the size of australia in orbit ...as the asteroid approaches get the pilot ( the chinese are very good at table tennis) to fire the rockets and give it a good volley....


alternatively get a very strong series of fishing lines which you can plunge into the surface of the asteroid and attach it to the moon...then go mine out all the metals at your leisure....


some people have no imagination ;)




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