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Bug or attack : My partner's avatar go continuously in "falling" state


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Since 2 days now, my partner's avatar go continuously in "falling" state and fly away after bumping on object or other avi, or when i approach her for a hug !!! it's quite a bit annoying ;)

we have tried to detach all scripted objects (ao included), cleaning cache and delog relog, check lag rate and internet connection, nothing working !!!

To avoid this, she must apply a "move lock" protection from a mage HUD !!!

What we can do to reverse this ?

We use the latest phoenix viewer.

PS : typing this post reminds me of something that we did not attempt: make an avatar test and go through the noob look for a good cause ;)

Thanks for helping us to have a normal avatar's live and not be continuously on a moon's like planet !!! ;)

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7 answers to this question

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How strange.   I've never heard of something like that before, and I can't think what might be causing it.

I'm having difficulty, in fact, visualising it -- if she's standing on level ground when it occurs, what exactly happens?  Does she shoot up in the air, or backwards, what?   And by "go continuously in 'falling' state," do you mean the "falling" animation plays?

Certainly doing "character test" would be a good idea, to make sure she's removed everything.   I am wondering if it could be the Phoenix Bridge malfunctioning, since that certainly can move you using physics functions.   But that's just a guess.

Does this happen everywhere, or just on your home sim, and does it happen with all viewers, or just with Phoenix?

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She have only phoenix installed.

She's standing on ground and moving normally, and when she hit something (avatar or object) it's avatar jump upward and stay flying in falling animation !

She can click on the "landing" button, but as soon as she bump on something this always occurs!

It's happens everywhere, but started while TPing back to home (a linden residence) after a grief whith someone!

The track of phoenix bridge malfunction is a good idea !!! We will try both avatar test and phoenix bridge delete and recreate when back online after work in afternoon's ending (french hours)!!!

Thanks for this suggestions, I will post result of ours tests, for the community's knowledge !!! ;)

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TheLWord wrote:

or when i approach her for a hug !!!

This strikes me as being relevant. Does your partner wear a collar, or other 'leashable' device? Alternatively are they wearing anything that might try and slow them down (Really high heel boots for example)?

If so, try unleashing/detaching these. Some collars leash scripts cause very interesting effects, and these effects can sometimes continue even after a relog (though the chain will be invisible).

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I wondered about that, Freya, and I understand what you mean. If the problem were only when she tries to hug him, then I would suspect the same thing (a speed limiter going crazy), but -- at least with every hug/kiss script I have seen -- the only person who actually moves is the person offering the embrace. The device animates the person receiving the embrace (in the sense that an AO animates you) but the only person who moves is the person wearing the device.


I think the OP is right -- whatever is causing the problem, it sounds as if it's being caused by collisions, not movement.


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Yes it was caused by collosions, not movements !!!

and no, both of us don't wear any sort of RLV accessories and we have both RLVa inactivated on our viewer !

The right answer will be remain mysterious because when she comme back online yesterday the thing doesn't occur anymore !!!!

So bug or attack/joke ????

I will still aware about this and if i have clues, i'll post a comment to help for similar's thing or if the same occurs to someone !!!

Thanks both of you for your help !!!

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I am glad it has resolved itself. I cannot imagine any sort of attack or exploit that would cause the problems you describe, so I suspect it was a bug, which has now somehow fixed itself. I suspect it's the Phoenix Bridge, since I know that does use physics movement at times, and since I (I think) the viewer is able to detect when the bridge is malfunctioning and replace it. But I am not sure. This would be worth raising, I think, with the Phoenix/Firestorm group in-world (I think they have a Francophone group, if that is easier).

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