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Dear mesh hair creators...

Sassy Romano

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I am no creator and I don't know. But maybe the creators of the hair you are talking about try to do their best that one hair can be worn with all standard sized mesh clothing? A size L has of course bigger boobs than a size XXS.
I am a size M and I have seen both. Hair which hovers above my breast , but also (very) few that were too small which I personally think is even worse.
It would be great if mesh hair would fit us all perfectly. At the moment I think it can't be done...

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Day Alderson wrote:

It would be great if mesh hair would fit us all perfectly. At the moment I think it can't be done...

It can't, not with any chance until the long awaited deformer but until then, it needs to be supplied to account for different shapes.  Hair doesn't really fall into the so called standard sizes that are also pretty dire for me.  It's a specific issue with breast size and long hair and we don't all go around with a pair of melons out front! :)

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This is true. My original shape that I worked on for years until I thought it looked natural has much smaller boobs too and simply doesn't work with mesh :matte-motes-frown:
Right now everything seems to be compromises almost no one can be really happy with. Like you I do hope the day is not so far away when the deformer will finally be implemented!

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EXACTLY!  Haven't found a single mesh hair that fits yet. 

Overall mesh has been a major Fail for me. Whether the deformer will fix it remains to be seen, as it looks like we'll be stuck with distorted textures if the garment has to be deformed past a certain point, or still have 'standard sizes' as a work around. I hope is that they trash the so called "standard sizes" being used now that were based on too small of a sample of avatars and come up with sizes based on a broader representation of avatars, including those of us that don't sport double D's and large rear trunks.

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I have bought long mesh hair that comes in two sizes that takes this into consideration. Though the smaller one still leaves a bit of hovering on me. I tend to go for short or ponytails for mesh hair and I have to say I like the ones I've gotten so far.  Hardest part is finding the right shade of red :matte-motes-asleep-2:

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dinky bewb girls have all the clothes already..Gotta give up something to the big bewbie girls..

can't have your cake and eat it too!!


i'm kidding hehehe...it would be nice to have a good selection of sizes for long hair..but it has to be a pain for them with as many sizes as there are..

i have a few different shapes now that i made just because of mesh clothes.. i try to get close to a lot of the standard sizes or whatever it is they are calling them as i can with each one..it seems to be working pretty good for now till the deformer does get here..

i heard that it was stalled for some reason..something to do with fitting the current avatar mesh or going with something a little different..i forget really..

they are talking about it over at slu..but that was like a week ago that i looked in there..it may not be the case right now..and really i wasn't too sure what it was about then..just heard stalled and went with it lol



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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

dinky bewb girls have all the clothes already..Gotta give up something to the big bewbie girls..

can't have your cake and eat it too!!



LOL,  That's odd most all mesh clothes are too BIG in the bewbs and butt for me.

i have avg sized bewbs in most of my shapes..not like my main shape which is bigger..

i was in a spot where none of it was fitting me..it was like i was in between everything lol

a large fit over me like a balloon..if a small fit my butt would stick out..then put on a medium and it floated too much up top lol

i just got tired of waiting for a deformer and toying around hoping things would fit that wouldn't..or at least fit right anyways..

so i just started to make new shapes adjust the new shapes to fitting them..then save them and put them in that creators directory in my inventory..

so now if i were to wear something from a certain designer i just use the shape in that directory that is tweaked to their stuff..i don't even wear alphas with them and they fit pretty nice..i hate being able to see through  my avatar if something is a little loose fitting..





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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

We don't all have size 60+ boobs!


LL have much to answer for!

What's LL got to do with this one?

Failure to recognise the sheer significance of deformable mesh for a start.  To even conceive that releasing it in a form that doesn't and cannot fit was a very poor judgment call and the delay in getting a deformer in a released viewer merely results in more and more content being sold that will not work even when the deformer is available.

How many realise this?  That the "standard sizing" items will NOT deform in future and will have to be re-purchased.



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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Seems to me the creator failed to recognise SL limitations and LL is not the one at fault. The creator selling useless limited crap knowing damn well the limitations are live and well

There is plenty of 'blame' to go around.

After all the pre release excitement that LL tried to generate about mesh and how wonderful it  will be for SL, LL did not think that mesh clothing was going to be in much demand and so didn't think a deformer was going to be needed. That has to be one of the biggest bone headed assumptions they have recently made and shows a huge disconnect between LL and its customers..

Many people who were at first reluctant to buy mesh have been buying it recently in anticipation of the deformer.  Now it is plain that the deformer will not work on mesh clothes uploaded on a viewer other than the deformer enabled beta viewer available only to those participating in the beta.  I don't think this was communicated very well and made clear to people. Although the news has come out, it's still not widely known.  I doubt most designers knew this until recently and some still probably are unaware of it.

Given the current facts,IMHO designers should stop selling mesh  unless they disclose the information that current mesh will not work with the deformer OR provide people that are buying mesh now a free upgrade that will work with the deformer if and when it is available.. It seems to me that is the ethical thing to do.  All in all though they are not obligated to and just as in RL, the principle of Buyer Beware still holds true in SL.



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Sassy Romano wrote:


How many realise this?  That the "standard sizing" items will NOT deform in future and will have to be re-purchased.

Just to make this matter clear for those who are not aware how the deformer is planned to work:

Qarl Fizz has said in an interview http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2012/06/21/mesh-deformer-interview-with-qarl-fizz/3/

"Oh… there’s another question that people may have: will the deformer work with clothing they’ve already purchased? And the answer is: no. The clothing need to be made with the deformer in mind and with the deformer switches flipped. So mesh clothing that you have right now won’t change. That’s kind of a good thing, right? You don’t want anything to get broken."

Thus, existing mesh clothes will continue to work as they have worked so far.  Nothing will change in them when the deformer is implemented.  They wont suddenly get broken.  If the deformer would affect them, then the results would be unpredictable.

So, as Qarl said, it's a good thing that the existing clothes will not be affected by the deformer.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

We don't all have size 60+ boobs!

Just as the deformer is late to the party and clothes don't fit, long mesh hair that hovers above the chest doesn't work either.

I've finally found a mesh hair that I like but ... doesn't fit.

LL have much to answer for!

I finnd the mesh hair from Vanity Hair (long hair) fit properly over my chest withouth hovering - Caity is not a big girl, breast sliders between 40-47 (depending on mesh top, ahem). Also I found out, it is not always the size of the bewbs, but the gravity slider that can help make a difference without enlarging them.


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Caitlin Tobias wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

We don't all have size 60+ boobs!

Just as the deformer is late to the party and clothes don't fit, long mesh hair that hovers above the chest doesn't work either.

I've finally found a mesh hair that I like but ... doesn't fit.

LL have much to answer for!

I finnd the mesh hair from Vanity Hair (long hair) fit properly over my chest withouth hovering - Caity is not a big girl, breast sliders between 40-47 (depending on mesh top, ahem). Also I found out, it is not always the size of the bewbs, but the gravity slider that can help make a difference without enlarging them.


yep gravity makes a lot of difference for sure..

i noticed also that my breast look much more natural after fitting them to the mesh tops..a lot of things actually looked a little better after little tweaks to fit into certain things....but then some you really have to look out for LOL

like mixing and matching designers when you do tweak to fit..i had one shape where my top turned out really nice looking..but  when i took off the pants..i had man butt LOL

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Talking in general here, my take on Mesh is that it is so not ready for prime time it's ridiculous.

Mesh clothes for instance.  In order to wear you need to use what really is a 'hack.'  Hide your body with an alpha layer.  What a joke.

Just like when V2 was introduced and we refused to embrace it, we need to do the same thing with Mesh.

Boycott it.

Boycott it until LL applies the necessary resources to get it straightened out.

Even those of you who think you look great in Mesh, throw your support behind your fellow residents for whom Mesh is nothing but a boondoggle. I check the Vanity thread and yes there are some great looking Mesh pictures.  But the difference is not THAT great yet.

I'm not against Mesh. But the current situation is ridiculous.

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I am still boycotting mesh clothing and hair.  I personally don't want to have to do workaround to fit some designers design, but I have said this over and over again.  I don't like the static nature of mesh...I will take flexi over it any day.

 I secretly have to snicker at those AVs wearing mesh trying to attract the attention of the opposite sex at various places wondering if they are wondering why no one is talking to them.  I wonder if they ever wondered that they might not be as appealing as they think? Just because they see themselves doesn't mean others can. I have been to a few sims lately and I thank my lucky stars I am not half headed. no chest, no lower half.  And to be honest, it is most of the women out there...occasionally a man...who I see this happening to. 

I have some nifty layered prim/sculpty clothes that looks great.  While it may not be "new" or "improved", it looks better to me than half of be being invisible to someone that does use V2/3 viewer.

Will have to be exponential leaps before I will start investing in pricy mesh that may or may not work.

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 if my mesh don't rez for someone because they are still using a non mesh viewer..all they will see me in is my lingerie  walking my pet  bubble hehehe

that won't be many compared the the many that will be able to see mesh..

not that i am man hunting or anything..i just love fashion..

and rigged mesh is not static..it actually moves really well with the avatar mesh..

i don't wear mesh hair yet because it gets all stretching looking and i love too many of the prim styles i have.. i don't use the alpha layers because mesh doesn't hide them well a lot of times and i can see through my avatar on closeups in picture taking..that and i just don't like being invisible like that..it feels creepy hehehe

when rigged mesh fits right..it fits right..none of the flowing into the body like sculpts and flexi prims..

i've not had to do any major tweaks to my mesh shapes..just little tucks and tweaks here and there..

the mesh fits and wears and looks a lot more natural than flexi's and sculpts..

people on non mesh viewers won't see the in world difference to be able to compare..

but still..i can't wait for the deformer as well..and i' not spending that much on mesh anyways..just a few things here and there..

but what i did get i do like a lot hehehehe


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

 if my mesh don't rez for someone because they are still using a non mesh viewer..all they will see me in is my lingerie  walking my pet  bubble hehehe

that won't be many compared the the many that will be able to see mesh..

not that i am man hunting or anything..i just love fashion..

and rigged mesh is not static..it actually moves really well with the avatar mesh..

i don't wear mesh hair yet because it gets all stretching looking and i love too many of the prim styles i have.. i don't use the alpha layers because mesh doesn't hide them well a lot of times and i can see through my avatar on closeups in picture taking..that and i just don't like being invisible like that..it feels creepy hehehe

when rigged mesh fits right..it fits right..none of the flowing into the body like sculpts and flexi prims..

i've not had to do any major tweaks to my mesh shapes..just little tucks and tweaks here and there..

the mesh fits and wears and looks a lot more natural than flexi's and sculpts..

people on non mesh viewers won't see the in world difference to be able to compare..

but still..i can't wait for the deformer as well..and i' not spending that much on mesh anyways..just a few things here and there..

but what i did get i do like a lot hehehehe


Well ...that ^^

I wear mesh...daily, mixed and matched with good old layer clothing and prims stuffs. I hardly ever encounter ppl that dont see it, the occasional glitch or someone on a non mesh viewer...oh well, that is really rare these days. So be it. I am not man-hunting or standing in some spotlight with a sign over my head 'look at hawt me', but I do like to dress up Caity all nice and good, I do not see a problem in that.

You can look good in prim and layers and you can in mesh, live and let live eh? Judging is so easy.


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Coby Foden wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:


How many realise this?  That the "standard sizing" items will NOT deform in future and will have to be re-purchased.

Just to make this matter clear for those who are not aware how the deformer is planned to work:

Qarl Fizz has said in an interview

Oh… there’s another question that people may have: will the deformer work with clothing they’ve already purchased? And the answer is: no. The clothing need to be made with the deformer in mind and with the deformer switches flipped. So mesh clothing that you have right now won’t change. That’s kind of a good thing, right? You don’t want anything to get broken.

Thus, existing mesh clothes will continue to work as they have worked so far.  Nothing will change in them when the deformer is implemented.  They wont suddenly get broken.  If the deformer would affect them, then the results would be unpredictable.

So, as Qarl said, it's a good thing that the existing clothes will not be affected by the deformer.

Only in SL is something considered a good thing if it doesn't break stuff.  I don't view this as a 'good' thing at all since you won't be able to just wear existing mesh clothing you have but still have to wear alpha layers and different shapes that most people have to wear with current mesh.  The clothes may not be 'broke' but will be obsolete.  Reason enough to hold off buying any mesh now.


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:


I don't view this as a 'good' thing at all since you won't be able to just wear existing mesh clothing you have but still have to wear alpha layers and different shapes that most people have to wear with current mesh.


I agree that alpha mask under mesh is not a good thing.  When peeping inside the clothing item from the small gap between the item and skin one can see the emptiness there.  Sometimes it is very obvious, sometimes less obvious depending on how close the alpha mask comes to the clothing edge and how big the gap is.  That is not a pleasing sight.


Anyway I have been able to find some very nice mesh clothes which fit nicely without altering my shape a single bit.  Those items will not turn obsolete - unless I suddenly gain more fat.


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