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SL crashes few minutes after log in

Cat Helse

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I just posted a question about this, It's not my Wifi since I just switched over to an ethernet cable and it's still crashing (has been for 2 days). It's possibly my avatar/account, though I've been able to log in on the text viewer on my phone. I created another account, and SL runs smoothly, no crashes at all. I don't want to have to switch accounts due to the amount of money I've put into my main. Is there anyway to fix this?


I've done a manual clear cache as well. No such luck. 

Just as a reminder! I have created a new account to test if it's my computer or the viewer, and Second Life has run smoothly on that new account.

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I still think it's unlikely to have anything to do with the account.  It's a connection issue of some kind.  Did you try any of the suggestions that Lindal gave when you asked your question at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/avatar-stuck-in-cloud-form/qaq-p/1402239 a while ago?  The two problems -- crashing and bake fail -- are almost certainly related.

Take a look at Nalates's blog here >>> http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ for suggestions about how to troubleshoot your connection and, possibly, fix it.

Let us know if anything works (or doesn't), but please don't start a new thread.  It just makes it hard for people who come in to the middle of a conversation to know what you've already tried.  Just click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. 

ETA:  I should have thought to ask.....  are you actually crashing, or are you disconnecting?  That is, do you get any error messages, or do you just disconnect?  If you are disconnecting without any error messages, there's always the scary possibility that you are overheating.  If it's been a while since you blew the dust and cat hair out of your machine, do it now, and be sure that your fans are spinning freely.  Heat can cause serious damage to your GPU or motherboard.  Once of the first symptoms is a tendency to disconnect after a couple of minutes in a heavy graphics environment --- like SL

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Cat is operating with a Mac OS. She is capable of accessing Alternate accounts just fine, no issues during log-in, however is unable to access their main account "Cat Helse". When trying to logon, Secondlife will register that she connects, but will then instantly crash on her computer, and show as offline shortly there after.

In other words, her account is able to connect to the server, but is being kicked off ultimately. She has tried several viewers, along with a fresh installation each time. Sounds more like a corrupted inventory item or her character itself. The issue is, she can't log-in to do a Character Retest to drop her attachments.

So:  Fresh installation didn't help, She is connected by a Wire Connection and is capable of accessing the account just fine for a mere 5 seconds before crashing, she can use the SAME computer to access an alternate account..

I spent 15 minutes with her trying to troubleshoot with her, and nada. Sounds more like a server side issue than a user-caused issue

Hope that helps.

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I can help Cat get logged in. If she clears her cache, logs in she will load just fine. This is until her viewer begins to load her inventory. Once she does that, she crashes and then insta crashes each log in afterwards. I was even able to get her to do a character re-test, then she crashed.

The above leads me to believe that she is having a server side issue with her inventory. She is using Exodus, and is the only viewer which allows her to stay logged in as well.

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Joshua Taggart wrote:


I can help Cat get logged in. If she clears her cache, logs in she will load just fine. This is until her viewer begins to load her inventory. Once she does that, she crashes and then insta crashes each log in afterwards. I was even able to get her to do a character re-test, then she crashed.

The above leads me to believe that she is having a server side issue with her inventory. She is using Exodus, and is the only viewer which allows her to stay logged in as well.

Have you tried doing a manual clearing of cache?  >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear .  That will clear out more than just the texture cache.  You may also want to delete the user settings, which is a bit more drastic, but may be necessary if they are borked.  Here are the instructions for Mac with Firestorm.  Any other viewer will look essentially the same....

  • If you're using OSX 10.7 Lion, you will need to show hidden folders to find the Library.
  • Go to User/Library/Application Support and delete the Firestorm folder.

NOTE: If you wish to preserve your chat logs and/or contact sets, then you will need to make a backup copy of them before deleting the contents of the folder just named.
The folder contains one or more folders in turn, each one named after your SL user name(s). Inside each of these folders, locate the chat log files. These will have the names of your groups and the people with whom you have had conversations. The contact sets file is named settings_friends_groups.xml. Select the chat log files, and the contact sets file (settings_friends_groups.xml), if you wish, and copy them to a location you can easily locate later, like a temporary folder on your deskstop. After this, you can erase the entire contents of the Firestorm folder.
Then proceed as described below, install (or reinstall) the viewer, and run it once to have it recreate the default files. Once you have logged out again, you can copy the chat logs and contact sets file back where they were.

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Bummer. I am out of guesses for now. Maybe something will occur to me in my sleep. If so, I'll post it in the morning. Meanwhile, hope that Nalates pops around to see this thread. She's not a Mac person either, but she usually has useful ideas.


Good luck for tonight.

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This is not an answer. But I am having the same problem on my PC. My machine has top notch specs. No other game with a high graphics load is crashing. And, I can also log in on my phone, slitechat, etc.

I can get logged in, local chat window shows my friends who are logged in, then I crash saying "You have been logged out of sl. This regiong may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the internet."

Internet is fine. Region is fine.

Anyone else having this issue on a PC?

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Its sad that nobody listens all they want to do is read a little bit then post what they think is wrong. I have the same issues and i promise its not my internet(95% signal strength at  running at cable modem speeds) and certinaly not my pc because i have a gaming PC that can handle any game on the market. I play numerous games online yet i never have internet connections issues except with second life. I can log in experience no lag what so ever start working on scripts or building and about 5 - 10 mins later my avi cant move, lose voice and the abilty to click stuff then it logs me out. So this is something going on with second life itself and needs to be resolved so please stop posting answers that are not relivant just cause your bored and have no life


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