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No longer receiving sales notifications...

Emma Krokus

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Sales notifications have been erratic for a few days but I have not had any today - only the Magic Box delivery emails.

Anyone know anymore about it?

I've commented on the JIRA yesterday but didn't keep the link...

Are there any workarounds?


Thanks for reading!

Emma :) 


P.S. Posted this message, checked again... and wouldn't you know it? I have actually received one - the first one today of about 8 - 10 sales delivered altogether.

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This started to affect me last night. It seems like when this happens to me my sales tank until I start getting emails again. I am guessing it has to do with systems getting backed up.

It seems like they start to get delayed, then they stop showing up, and then your sales die. Just a pattern I've noticed. I had a few sales last night with no emails. I went to bed expecting sales to be awful today and sure enough, I woke up to awful sales.

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Emma, you mention receiving the Magic Box delivery emails so I'm assuming you're still using MB; or do you have some products on DD and others on MB?

The reason I'm asking is I'm still using MB and have been receiving both emails for my sales continually (meaning I've never not received them even after DD began...that is when I have sales. :smileywink:)

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Hi All :)

Both MB and DD are affected, so if you are receiving your emails (regardless of delivery system), you're lucky!

The other thread has the JIRA link, but I'll post it here too in case people see this thread as well:



Please add your comments and order numbers to help CTL and the Devs solve this issue!


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I have been watching it with ANS for a while. There has been a really strong pattern since 05/16/2012 where sales tank, slowly build up, and then tank again. I am more curious if anyone else is noticing something like this as well. It was happening before this but now it is far less pronounced.

I think it's evidence the back end of SLMP is broken or overloaded or something, but it would be nice if I could get a bigger sample size to see if it's just me or of other people experience this as well. It only seems to be visible if you have a large number of items and you normally have a decent number of transactions a day.

You should have an in world store. I have noticed people are transitioning towards shopping in world (I'm guessing they're just using SLMP to view pictures and read a description before teleporting in world).

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Hi Czari:)

yes all my stuff is still in Magic Boxes - I am scared of DD and what running a DD enabled viewer will do to my creaky pc :|. And everything was fine up until a couple days ago...

Strangely since opening this thread, I had a few come in!!

OMG, maybe the Lindens do read the fora??!!!!! /me faints


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Sorry Arwen, for duplicating your thread - posting your link here as well is really nice of you.

I have watched and voted and am keeping on it now.

Just remembered that I had a strange one a while ago, a late sales notification from something I sold about 3 weeks previously! 

Weird times...



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Hi Flea:)

I haven't honestly noticed a pattern yet... but my sales figures include my inworld shop as well.

It may be that because sales there have picked up (I covered my rent - yay!!) that I haven't noticed what's happening with MP Sales. 

The shop used to be just vanity paid for by MP sales... although the majority of my sales are still coming from MP.

Interesting times!


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I just have sales figures for ANS and not in world. The last week or so I've noticed I've been having significantly more in world transactions than SLMP, so it might be hard to see if you have all the data from in world and SLMP lumped together.

I am glad things are going well. It would be nice to see in world stores become more important. A good in world store is a good way to show off your building skills when customers come in.

I just had one sale today (so far) and I did not get an email from it.

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Flea Yatsenko wrote:


You should have an in world store. I have noticed people are transitioning towards shopping in world (I'm guessing they're just using SLMP to view pictures and read a description before teleporting in world).

I wish this would start happening for my store.  At present, despite a March Rez Day promo offering two free gifts, posted in the designer groups of which I am a member and participating in the June Silk Road Hunt (which *is* driving a lot of traffic to my store), all my sales continue to be from the MP.  I realize I have only just begun efforts to advertise my in world store again and many hunters generally like to finish a hunt and then rez their gifts and may return to a store they liked, so I will continue to do what I can to promote my in world store. 


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Emma Krokus wrote:

Hi Czari:)

yes all my stuff is still in Magic Boxes - I am scared of DD and what running a DD enabled viewer will do to my creaky pc
. And everything was fine up until a couple days ago...

Strangely since opening this thread, I had a few come in!!

OMG, maybe the Lindens do read the fora??!!!!! /me faints


Let's hear it for those of us with creaky PCs!!! :smileywink: I realize that, as technology goes, my PC is outdated, but it still irks me that it runs everything wonderfully, including two very graphics-intensive MMORPGs but can't be used for the new SL viewers.  (As a side note, I had this PC custom-built for me as a gaming computer - probably why it still works so well.  Just doesn't have that pesky SEE2 component.)

I'm with you on DD.  Hoping at this point that, due to all the MP issues, the MBs will stay indefinitely, or better yet, allow merchants to choose which delivery system they prefer.

To your post - the delivery notifictions must be one of those issues that are affecting some merchants and not others.  Of course, I could easily become one of the "affected" at any moment...lol.  You may have discovered the "workaround" though!!! :smileywink:

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I think it may be more difficult if you are selling clothes and stuff like that. I mostly sell caves, prefabs, and builder's kits, so people have a huge incentive to come see them in world before they make a big purchase. They usually come in world and see them and then buy them at a later date.

I don't know what kind of vendors you use, but if you had some sort of mannequin or something it might help a lot.

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Flea Yatsenko wrote:

I think it may be more difficult if you are selling clothes and stuff like that. I mostly sell caves, prefabs, and builder's kits, so people have a huge incentive to come see them in world before they make a big purchase. They usually come in world and see them and then buy them at a later date.

I don't know what kind of vendors you use, but if you had some sort of mannequin or something it might help a lot.

I sell home furnishings which, as you said, is why I likely have customers who come into the shop to see the product, then purchase on the MP (based on my in store visitor list as compared to MP purchases), so that's not my issue.  Most of my furniture items and rugs are on display...running into a prim limit but I'm working on that. ;)

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"You should have an in world store. I have noticed people are transitioning towards shopping in world (I'm guessing they're just using SLMP to view pictures and read a description before teleporting in world)".

Not going to work agent Flea as much as they tell you to repeat it ad nauseum. Fewer and fewer want to waste time and money shopping in world. There's no stopping the demise of in world shopping. ;-)

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You won't let this go, will you? I've already said I don't work for LL or anything.

But back on topic, I missed one email on a sale today but all the rest have been fine. How is everyone else doing?

Czari, I've noticed that too and I get it a lot. I just had a few days where that wasn't happening like it usually does and it looked like it had to be potential to be a trend.

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Spica Inventor wrote:

Fewer and fewer want to waste time and money shopping in world. There's no stopping the demise of in world shopping. ;-)

This would make an interesting poll.  Just based on anecdotal statements, I've been surprised at the number of people I have encountered recently, two in my store while I was there, who have said they either don't like shopping on the MP, much preferring the fun of in world shopping as one of their activities; or quit shopping the MP when the current mess started, stating they don't trust it.

This is just a handful of random people and could well be outweighed by  people who shop on the MP.  I just found it interesting that in the space of a few days I kept running into people in world who said the above.  I personally do both.  I usually begin on the MP to find the item I'm looking for then, most of the time, go in world to see it and/or purchase it.  There are other times I'm not in the mood to tp around so I purchase other items, usually gadget type things, on the MP.

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I wish most of my customers would shop inworld... but they usually shop on marketplace.

If I ever see the majority of my customers start shopping inworld again, I will close down my marketplace right away. It is such a hassle & timesuck due to all the bugs & issues with it. I'd be so happy to get rid of it.

Guess I shouldn't complain though, at least I still have customers despite everything LL has done trying to destroy that :catlol:

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