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need help changing ground texture

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Changing the terrain textures of a sim is easy.  Getting the textures where you want them isn't.  There is an art to it that many people find frustrating especially if your trying to achieve a specific look.  Here is a video that you can watch that explains how the terrain texture tools work.  The first part talks about terraforming but the last part addresses texturing.  You need to look at the entire video though as you may find that you need to terrafform some in order to achieve your goal.

You can only use 512x512 textures on terrain.  The system will take the textures you choose and blend them where they meet to get a more natural look.   If all you want is two textures, sand and grass, you may want to put the sand in the 2 boxes on the left and the grass on the two boxes on the right.  However you may want to find a texture set that has a texture that is a blend of grass and sand to use as a second texture, grass only as the third texture and a sandstone texture to use for the last box on the right for high terrain.

You will have to experiment with setting the low and high numbers for each corner.  If you want your beach mainly on the west side of your sim, raise the low numbers on the northwest and southwest corners but set them to zero on the north east and south east sides.  If you want the sand to run around the entire perimeter of the island, then keep the numbers the same on all four corners.   Once you get the look you want, live with it a few days and the go back and tweak the numbers if needed.

One final note: Every time your Simi restarts the blend mix may change slightly where two textures meet.  That's because the server will remix them each time.  However they won't change drastically, you'll maybe just see a patch of grass where there used to be only sand, or a bit of sand where there used to be only grass,or just the opposite.



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  • 6 years later...
On 5/30/2012 at 12:44 AM, Amethyst Jetaime said:

"Here is a video that you can watch that explains how the terrain texture tools work.".



Am I missing a link to a video? This reply helps and will try it when I get home. 

Also, where is a good source for textures?


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42 minutes ago, IanLeigh said:

Am I missing a link to a video? This reply helps and will try it when I get home. 

Also, where is a good source for textures?


you reply to a nearly 7 yr old thread, old posts might be a bit damaged by forum migrations. The system for changing the sim textures isn't changed a lot.

For textures you can start in the library part of your inventory, there are all used textures by LL for land. You can apply any texture you like to the land, even pictures for a "special" effect :)

Most complicated part of texturing the terrain are the height settings, those influence the total of the sim, not just one part/texture.

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