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Looking for land with nothing

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If you buy as opposed to rent land, you shouln't have to join a group to control it. Some estates ask you to join a group that is for announcements or commumication only though, as it is easier for the estate owner to keep you informed this way.  Only mainland rentals require you to join a group if you are only renting land because if they put the land in your name, the owner loses control of it completely.  However on a private estate where you rent from the estate owner, they can transfer the land to you in your name and just restrict the sale of it so they can reclaim it if you fail to pay your rent or break the covenant.

A lot of land comes empty.  Even if you find land that has some itemson it, generally you can return it to them owner or request the items be removed.  Just be sure to read the covenant before buying any land as most places require some landscaping in keeping with the climate of the sim, some also have terraforming restrictions to keep the lot in line with the rest of the sim.  However there is also land available without any covenant. 

Find land using the Land Search in world, on marketplace and in these forums.  To own land on the mainland you have to be a premium member, but you can own land on a private estate or rent land on a private estate that meets your requirements without premium membership. 

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no no no i ment a member of second life



You mean no Premium member?

In that case you can't really own land, only rent. Try Serena Estates as they have reasonable prices, lots of managers to help in case of problems, and give most owner rights to the customer. Including terraforming and reselling! Land sizes range from 4080 up to whole sims, both homesteads and full sims, residential and  commercial use.



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Hah!  If you're not a member of Second Life, you can't even get in world, so forget about having land at all.  :smileylol:  

As a basic member, you can rent land from another SL resident,or can buy land on a private sim.  I have done that for years.  There's absolutely no way that you're going to have land without paying somebody, though.  If you're not paying a monthly land fee to Linden Lab, then you're paying rent to someone else who is paying the land fee. It sounds like your best plan is not to have land at all.  After all, you don't need land to enjoy SL. 

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Why is everyone trying to confuse this person who's probably quite new?


Hooded, yes you CAN have your own land in SL without being a member of the Linden premium thing. Since you want empty land, with less neighbours,  you should get a parcel in the size that you want from an Estate.


There're two kinds of land in SL-  Mainland where you need to be premium to own it,  and Estate which is exactly the same but on private sims and you don't need to be a member of anything. Costs are pretty much the same for both.


Just find a nice estate that has parcels of the size you want (in prims), and enjoy!   If you get stuck again, IM me in world, I'll help you find a nice place somewhere.

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No one is trying to confuse him. He wasn't very clear what he was asking and then confused the issue further..  I covered both group membership and premium vs. basic membership in my reply to his initial question since I couldn't tell what membership he was talking about. He then said he didn't want to pay anything monthly.  Thats when he was told he isn't going to be able to get any land if he is unwilling to pay something monthly because land isn't free.

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