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Age Verification Problem


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I am very new here and went through the Age Verification process without realizing exactly what it would be used for.  Now I know that its only purpose is to gain access to ADULT material, which I do NOT want.  I don't even want to see ADULT ads in the Marketplace.  So, I want to REMOVE the Age Verification from my account.  Is this possible?  Or is CANCELLING my account and opening a NEW account the only way to NOT be Age Verified once that Age Verification process has already been completed?

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide...

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2 answers to this question

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Being verified doesn't mean that you have to GO to adult regions; you just have a permit to go there if the occasion arises.  If you don't want to go, or don't care to view Adult items in Marketplace, don't.  It's that simple.  Who knows? Some day you might meet a friend who has a house on an Adult sim, and might like to visit.  Or there might be a concert or some other event you want to attend.

I don't believe that it is even possible to Un-verify that you are an Adult. If you are truly concerned about it, though, let me suggest a practical solution.  I do believe that there may be a time when you are glad to have that verification, so start a new account but keep this one alive (an alt), so that you're prepared for when that day comes.  Alts are handy anyway, so even if this alt never leaves home again, you'll find uses for her.  My alt holds half my cash and helps me test permissions on things that I'm about to put up for sale.  Maybe yours can too.

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Cool down, Cambira. There is no big monster jumping at you just because you are age verified. :catwink: 

Whenever you open the marketplace side or the inworld search, you just have to unselect adult and just use general and moderate for it. You will never ever notice that you are age verified. It is NOT possible to remove the verification from your account.

Oh, and just as a further note: Adult rating isn't that horrible. Its not like you are going to drown in porn :D

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