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I want to sell things on the marketplace but I don't want to use my credit card and paypal


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I want to sell stuff on the market place but I don't feel comfortable using my credit card to recieve money and I don't have a credit card. IS there a way to just sell items and recieve lindens without worrying about how I will be payed in real life. 


tl;dr Can I just recieve lindens without strings attatched?

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A part of the problem is Intellectual Property Rights. If you are going to make money, even if it is just Linden Dollars, then the Lab and most of the users want to be able to track you down if you are found to be selling stolen goods. Too many people have abused the system. 

Pony up or forget it.

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YES you can sell stuff on the marketplace without using your creditcard. I don't have a creditcard (cause its not usual to have one at my age) and I made some tattoos just out of fun and offer them at the marketplace.

People who are afraid of others with no creditcard info should turn of their computers and start realizing how stupid it is to suspect everyone to be criminal and cry over nearly nothing.

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