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Setting teleport point orientation


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Okay, I own some land. I know how to set the TP spot, but I'm having trouble setting the orientation. For example, if I want people to be facing west when they TP in, I face west on the spot when I set the TP point in About Land. But when I go somewhere else and TP back to the spot I just set I'm not facing west. Is there a way to force avatars to face a certain direction when they TP on to my land?

Edit: Thank you. I was hoping I was missing something but it's good to know that info.

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No, there isn't.  If you are using a fake TP -- a "sit" TP within the same region -- then you can control it by setting the orientation of the seat at the arrival spot.  There's nothing you can do for a real TP, however.  It's been a while since I tested for myself, but if I recall correctly from other conversations, avatars always arrive facing east by default if they are teleporting from another region.  If they are teleporting within the same region, I believe they arrive facing the same direction they were facing when they started the TP.

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