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problem with shopping and finding my item on the game


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hi i'm new here i joine dlike 2 days ago....

i have a bit of a problem though.

I have recently bought many things from sl online shopping market ( the free stuff XD )

but how do i use the things that i ought on my charcter on the acctual game?

e.g i bought a dress but i cant find that dress in my inventory box on the game.

                                    !!!!! HELP ME PLZ!!!!!

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When you buy things on Marketplace on in world, they are often delivered in a box that contains several items.  You have to unpack the box before you can use the contents.  See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 for good information about how to find the box in inventory and then open it.  

Because you are new in SL, it's probably a good idea to learn more about your inventory before you start loading it full of things.  Most old-time residents will tell you that they regret not having paid more attention to inventory management at the beginning, while it was still easy to organize and move stuff around.  Here's a good place to start >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-your-inventory/ta-p/1370823 

There are probably many other things that you don't know yet. I've been here over five years and I keep discovering new tools and tricks myself.  When you're just starting, there are several basic topics that you really need to study more than anything else  --- things like how to move, communicate, and find things.  Here's a good place to get started >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919

Finally, a bit of advice to keep you from sounding like too much of a newbie.....  Your avatar is not a "character." She's your avatar, or your "av."  And this is not a game.  This is Second Life. No points to earn, no levels to achieve, no quest to follow.  You can play many games in Second Life, but many of us ignore those entirely.  We build, we sell things, we dance, we chat with friends, we decorate our homes, ..... anything we can think of.   You are entering a new world.  Have fun, and welcome.  :smileywink:

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Also, your items may not have been delivered at all.  Check your transaction history.  If they were paid for but you didn't receive them, you can contact the merchant and request a re-delivery.  Be sure you don't have Busy mode set, or your items will be refused and vanish forever.

Don't use the Shopping Cart in the Marketplace, it is buggy and often fails.  Use the Buy Now button to buy one item at a time.

When looking for new things from the Marketplace, there are three places to check in your inventory:

  • The Received Items area at the bottom of your inventory window
  • The Objects folder of your inventory
  • A new folder with the item's name on it, in the main inventory window.
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New is tough :matte-motes-tongue: There is a lot to learn.

A quick way to find things is to open Inventory and click the RECENT tab. By default it considers recent as the current secession. You can however, click the gear icon near the bottom left of the inventory window and open the Search Filters panel. It will let you set the time frame for 'recent'. You can set it to hours, days, or weeks. The filters panel is handy for finding things in Inventory. 

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