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Moving a club

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You cannot move the items that belong to other people, they will have to move them.  Don't return them to them, have them come and pick them up themselves, as items sometime are lost when you return them, they will go back mostly is a mess of a coalesced object  and it may make a mess of their inventories.

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xRomanticThug wrote:

Hello! I just decided I should move my club and I was wondering if there might be a way to transfer the whole items to the other parcel, not object by object. Some of the items are not mine, they belong to different people.


is this all being moved from one parcel on the sim to another parcel in the same sim?

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I was just griping about this in the building sub forum. SL lacks any way to select all objects on a parcel, there are also no tools to move a group build.

For a "content creation tool" SL lacks a lot of features that are considered basic in all other content creation tools. Although, until Rodvik came along LL didn't seem to put much stock in content creation, as odd as that sounds. Aside from the addition of a small handful of features, the content creation tools today are more or less the same as the content creation tools as they were when I joined in 2005.


I really hope that changes. After 7 years I'm finding it difficult to stay patient.

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Shockwave Yareach wrote:

LINK stuff together so small and large bits are all connected.  Then when you select the whole thing from above and TAKE it, you won't leave behind all the little bits.

Be careful when doing this because you will be 'creating' a root prim and when you re-rez everything the position will be based on the root prim.

I learned this the hard way moving my Sky Box to another SIM.  I had broken things down into sections and had a ton of fun getting everything repositioned correctly. 

My suggestion is to create a prim in the center of your build and make that the root prim.  That way when you re-rez everything you'll have everything more accurately positioned.

If you have to move your club in sections, if you use the same position for the root then all you need to do is note and enter the xyz at the new location.

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