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Blender beginner

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today I started learning blender in order to create simple sculpted prims.

Its about 8 hours now and I still keep looking at the initial square and I cant understand what to do next. All tutorials I found are for previous versions.

Could anyone provide me some good ones for someone who begins from 0 point? or even -1?

Thank you for your time!

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Look at the menus on your screen, building in Blender isn't that much different to building inworld, you have locations in object mode, use them to align your meshes.

Blender Cookie is a superb site and has lots of tutorials, the Blender site itself has lots of links to tutorials too.

The thing with blender is to not try to run before you can walk, use the Blender cube, UV map it, upload it and you will find you can get nice results.


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